July 7th, 2025 sees the start of a brand new era, the 8-year-long and once-in-84-years event: Uranus in Gemini.
There is so much to get to as this article talks about an 8-year-long impact on your personal life and the collective, so let’s jump right in. If you’d like to skip timeframes and dates, click here.
Uranus enters Gemini multiple times before committing to the sign fully (this is due to a phenomenon called retrograde when a planet seemingly “walks backward” through the zodiac and back into its previous sign). However, Uranus in Gemini very much begins in its first pass through the sign. The few months that Uranus “walks back” through Taurus are a closing out of the old story and a wrapping up of the past 8 years and all they brought.
This time around, Uranus enters Gemini:
July 7th – November 8th, 2025, (after which it re-enters Taurus)
April 26th, 2026 – August 3rd, 2032,
December 12th, 2032 – May 22nd, 2033.
Previously in history:
August 7th – October 5th, 1941,
May 15th, 1942 – August 30th, 1948,
November 12th, 1948 – June 10th, 1949.
June 15th – December 8th, 2109,
April 3rd, 2110 – July 13th, 2116,
January 10th – April 30th, 2117.
Uranus in Gemini: Rapid Changes, Follow Where the Wind Blows
Uranus is the planet of change and rapid-fire unexpected events. In tarot, the Tower Card is known for out-of-the-blue happenings that can turn your world upside down: often for your own benefit, even if the process is painful and at times unwanted. Uranus is in lots of ways like that, though there are marked differences between both tarot and astrology, as well as the infamous Tower and Uranus.
Uranus rewards liberation and it tries to always set us free from something. Essentially, Uranus tends to work in stages. First, it shows us that something in our lives is not working. This can mean that we feel restricted (the opposite of Uranus’s freedom-loving ways) or even like we aren’t true to our most unique, individualist expression. At this point, we have the choice to try and create a change that serves us or to stay marinated in our previous patterns and lives. Of course, the choice isn’t always completely up to us – but we are 100% responsible for our own mindset and the way we show up in the situations we have to be in, and those things we can control and change.
If we don’t react OR the changes we’ve made aren’t “enough,” the next stage of Uranus is creating an internal desire to leave. Again, this might or might not be an option (the outer planets generally don’t care about whether we consider something “a workable option,” they’re carrying an energy of “make it work, dummy”) but the desire is there. Again, changing things up somewhat or completely can mitigate the energy and help us feel happy and fulfilled again.
However, if we neither mitigate nor create any sort of change at all (even on a small level) – or if we’re simply so far down the wrong road for our soul that there’s no other option – Uranus creates that Tower moment of simply creating change for you. This comes regardless of whether the change is convenient, “survivable” as per us (usually we can survive fine, even if the upheaval seems like it’s too much to handle), or practical at this time.
Finally from that point onward, Uranus then creates opportunities for growth towards our soul that we can accept/work with, or not – depending on our individual preference.
This means that Uranus tends to create changes like: ripping relationships away, displacing us from our homes, losing jobs, or creating large-scale life changes of other kinds – but it’s usually the ending of a process in which you’ve been shown that change is needed (and you either didn’t work to create the change yourself, or even your best efforts weren’t enough compared to what is needed on a soul-level).
This is painful. BUT one of the most beautiful things about Uranus is that in hindsight, we see these exact moments of loss were the catalyst and new dawn for a much better life in which you could truly be happy, fully live your soul-gifts, and have relationships that set you free even while they’re full of love and safety.
Uranus doesn’t punish us, even if it feels like it: it works with us, and when we don’t cooperate, it creates change for us.
So, why are we covering all of this? – Because in the past, Uranus was in Taurus, the slowest and most deliberate sign of the zodiac that’s in nature quite resistant to change (this means that Uranus couldn’t be at its full, change-making strength). Now, Uranus enters Gemini, the fastest sign of the zodiac.
Essentially, the window we have for creating change in areas that just aren’t working anymore is a lot more narrow, and the changes we’re meant to make tend to be a lot bigger – and, this is something I’ve been hinting at, a lot of what we’re asked to do are mindset changes (that may feel like action-changes, but can remain fully on the mental level).
Let me explain:
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Creating Options Through Mindsets
You’re in a job you hate. It pays the bills, you are decently to extraordinarily successful, and you’re uniquely suited for the job thanks to your education, life experiences, and core gift, but you hate being there. Your colleague Samantha is an unkind person, your colleague Tim is always whining, and that secretary constantly hits on you which makes you uncomfortable (which – depending on your gender – might be due to fear of HR knocking at your door to blame you for something you didn’t do, and/or because an allergy to the word No makes you understandably scared). So, you’re unhappy at work. You hate getting up on a workday. Uranus enters Gemini, signaling that it’s time for rapid-fire changes: so, what can you do?
Option 1: You quit your job and find a new workplace, doing the same job.
Option 2: You quit your job and learn a whole new trade, doing a whole new thing.
Option 3: You buy a ticket to Timbuktu, create a secret identity, and become professional at Beach.
Under Uranus in Gemini, not only are all these (quite extreme) options the first thing you think of, but also: you frankly don’t think about anything else for a while. Your desire to be free (Gemini) is so strong (thanks to Uranus) that you just want the 180°-life change right now. Not tomorrow, not even an hour from now, not five more minutes – now.
However, here’s the deal: there are several options and steps that you can take BEFORE hitting up Option #3 and launching your new Barbie-Ken lifestyle and looking dang good while doing so.
And frankly, you should try the other options first, or risk solving the wrong problem. Let’s look more closely at the example mentioned: is the actual job the realm problem – or the relationship at the workplace? Since it’s the latter, shifting relationships with colleagues is a great first step to becoming happy again at one’s job. So, how about we solve the actual problem that upsets you, and keep the options of quitting, career path change, and Beach open for later evaluation?
If someone’s whiny, become aggressively optimistic and tell them how much faith you have in them and their abilities to solve their own problems, then be suspiciously unavailable to further discussions of why life sucks. Alternatively, tell them to get lost and whine elsewhere if it gets that bad.
If someone’s nasty, become the embodiment of sarcastic sunshine and kill ‘em with kindness while having lots of fun doing so. Or set some iron-clad boundaries and/or involve other people – nasty co-workers are allergic to consequences. They’ll learn not to mess with you eventually if you’re patient enough about keeping up your follow-through.
And if someone’s overly flirtatious, get creative with just how unavailable you can become! Tell them point blank that you aren’t interested. Avoid them whenever possible. Find someone who agrees to pretend to be your fiancé(e), weave the most epic pretend-love story ever that fools everyone, eventually realize you love each other for real, actually get married, and publish your story in a romance novel (listen, it would be a fun meet-cute story for parties – and just imagine telling this to your grandkids: “You know, gramps over here had the most awkward work situation, so…” – 10/10 on the cool grandparents-front). Or you can involve higher-ups, HR, and so on if you’re really scared for your reputation or physical safety.
All these things may just be enough to solve the actual problem at the root cause. But there’s one more thing that plays into all these options and goes beyond them: your mindset.
The options above are the lovechildren of a mindset that marries dedication to be happy and creative problem-solving and marinates it in general fun slash practicality. This means that they’re based on a mindset that says: “I am unwilling to give other people power over whether I’m happy at work or not, and I’m determined to shift life so I can be happy regardless of their actions.” Having a good mindset creates options, having a bad mindset traps you between defeatism or extremism to escape.
Plus, even a “sole” mindset change with no actions taken whatsoever can be enough to shift us from misery to a happier place (even if we might not want to believe that when we’re in a slump). Just making the decision that you won’t let Tim’s whininess ruin your mood or that you’ll try and count how often Samantha says stupid, hypocritical, or contradictory things in her nastiness, or even playing a guessing game (with prizes) on how that secretary is going to hit up on your again today is enough to make work fun, even with adversarial colleagues. (Obviously, you need to be careful on how you do this or you’ll get in trouble/hurt other people, but… it’s a fun game to play with yourself in your own mind).
So, your mindset creates a plethora of options for change that allow you to physically shift your reality, but it also allows you to preserve your happiness and inner peace even in situations you can’t or won’t shift. And if all that fails – get professional at Beach, baby.
So far, we’ve talked about the necessity for change under Uranus in Gemini and how change is going to come very quickly. We’ve also talked about mindsets and their massive impact on creating options and our general well-being. But this is only one part of Uranus in Gemini.
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Tell Me Your Thoughts and I’ll Change Your Mind
Uranus in Gemini is, in a nutshell, about changing the nature of our very minds – as well as pretty much all of our opinions through (including but not limited): new information coming in, learning journeys, incredible conversations, intellectual (and not so intellectual) provocations, inventions and interventions, and lastly, good old confusion.
Deeply held beliefs are being challenged under this event, and so are perspectives that are so ingrained in us that we don’t even formulate them into actual thoughts, they’re just so “obvious” as to permeate our entire perception and way of life. Assumptions about life, systems, and people will be overthrown and new realizations about the world, nature, and even ourselves revolutionize our private lives and the way we socialize. New things will be found or developed that change reality as we know it now.
Essentially, Uranus is about revolutions, change, and newness. It also brings the fringe and outsider perspectives into the mainstream so we can innovate our ways of life. Under Uranus in Gemini, it’ll do so… 24/7. If you think you know something, allow me to assure you that you’ll change your mind, rapidly and continuously, all until the end of this transit in 2032.
One further aspect of this is that the way education works is going to be massively overhauled. Change will be coming to and for teachers, students, professors, and curricula, and it will be a long-lasting change that amplifies and builds on differences between human beings and on making society better by teaching people to capitalize on their differences (rather than treating and/or trying to make everyone unique). This is especially amplified thanks to Pluto in Aquarius which has revolutionized education like a clockwork every single time it was in the sign (with Pluto’s long orbit, this means 3 times since the late 13th century, or 4 times within the past 1,000 years).
Our media and the way we distribute information are going to radically change as well – we’ve already been seeing this since Pluto entered Aquarius for the first time in March 2023 (and even before that, since Saturn was there before 2020-2023) but this revolution is one that’s amplifying freeing the voice and creating environments that amplify freedom of speech and encourage true, unfiltered discourse. As always, there will be people who try to stifle those voices (especially with the other things the Outer Planets are doing). But under Uranus in Gemini, free speech will prevail. And we’ll see the powers that be who try to stifle it crumble through the attempt – one by one.
Great Minds That Think (Un)Alike
Uranus in Gemini is also peak mental energy. This includes but isn’t limited to amplifying the speed at which we think (which can be a pest if you’re one for the ever-turning mental spirals where your thoughts just won’t shut up) and connecting seemingly unconnected parts of life together. It’ll make us more susceptible to boredom and will give us a greater desire for newness, variety, and stimulation, and it might make it hard to actually focus on one thing and get something done.
Fortunately, we can mitigate this effect by intentionally slowing down and re-connecting with our bodies, rather than staying in our minds 24/7. We can also mitigate this further by building a life where we mix the stimulation of our minds with enough periods of rest/physical exercise to keep ourselves healthy. Plus, things like talking things out with friends, creative works, and journalling (plus a reduction of caffeine, sugar, and other chemical stimulants) are great ways of working with Uranus in Gemini to prevent its inherent shadow side of mental energy from running rampant.
Another aspect of this Uranus in Gemini is a massive highlight on the subject of neurodivergence: both along the lines of inventions, interventions, changes, and newfound realizations about the nature of neurodivergence in the widest definition of the word (which would be: “a brain that’s very different than other people’s brains BEYOND normal levels of uniqueness,” which of course includes but isn’t limited to things like ADHD, the autism spectrum, HSPs, and more dire brain-related diagnoses such as bipolar disorder, Parkinson, etc.). It’ll also show us where people who have a fundamentally different point of view because of neurodivergence (among other things) are a valuable part of society and capable of creating great changes for the better.
This also brings me to a semi-related topic: siblings and twins. Uranus in Gemini brings a massive focus specifically on twins and the experiences/uniqueness of twins and other multiples. We’ll be changing our entire perspectives on this issue in one way or another, and this will revolutionize science, the ways we think about humanity, and our lives in general. Siblings (regardless of whether you’re “normal” or multiples) are also going to experience great changes with/through each other.
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Traffic, Travel, Local Life
Gemini rules traffic, travel, and local life (which includes things like neighbors but also literally the city you live in, urbanization, and other related things). Under Uranus in Gemini, we’ll see a return of city life booming and great changes/inventions that are travel-related and make the world kind of smaller and more interconnected. Great distances we used to define as “inconvenient/too big to surpass” will become “easy” or at least, “manageable.” Our definition of the word local will broaden and encompass many more things, even as we’ll see a bit of a counter-movement towards locality.
Uranus in Gemini revolutionizes and specifies small communities and the sense of belonging to one part of your city vs. the other, or one part of the country vs. another, or one country in the world vs. others. This differentiation might create a need for more boundaries or a shift of focus (especially if you have a business). However, we’ll also become a bit more of a village country- or even worldwide.
Traffic-wise, we’ll see many unexpected changes and a heightened potential for accidents, especially because of failing technology, recklessness, and distractions. So please, keep off of your phone/other distractions while driving, don’t become tempted into speed frenzies, and pay particular attention to signs that the technology of your choice is faulty.
Also, Mercury Retrogrades are going to have an even more powerful impact on technology and traffic than usual for the 8 years of the event: pay attention to them and take sane and sensible precautions during those times.
Science, Technology, and Provocations
The markedly most powerful change we’ll be seeing under Uranus in Gemini is on a worldwide stage. This includes changes through inventions and scientific discoveries that rock our world (I’ve mentioned this a couple of times already). Some may absolutely be space-craft and travel-related, others might be a revolution of the internet or similar creations/bringers of access to new dimensions.
Some will absolutely create or impact our perception on a physiological level (such as our sight, etc.) and a lot will impact our intuition. Intuition will likely become a more mainstream form of perception via this astrological event, but most importantly via the next 20-55 years of first Pluto in Aquarius, and then Pluto in the sign of intuition, Pisces. Uranus in Gemini would just be one part of the puzzle.
Since a lot of the changes through technology are happening, and happening at a fast pace, we’ll also be seeing the times when tech acts up and creates havoc. So, don’t through out paper records just yet.
Neuroscience and sciences, in general, will be overhauled, especially in social and other, more talk-based sciences (such as psychology), and the ways we reign in and process data in science and beyond science will be shifted, too.
Lastly, we’ll be talking about one further part of Uranus in Gemini: diametrically opposed views that a) create a paradoxically holistic reality since they’re both parts of the whole that is truth or b) lead to conflict. In our world, we have this phenomenon all the time. Under Uranus in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius, we’ll be seeing this amplified x10. Moreover, we are done with the age of a social majority that diplomatically chooses to stay quiet or bends their speech to not ruffle feathers: Uranus in Gemini is the archetype of the Provocateur. This is someone who has a different opinion and rubs it into your face in a somewhat (to overtly) provocative way, in part to enjoy the reaction of anger it elicits.
On a worldwide stage, this can obviously create ideological conflicts as beliefs also tend to get radicalized under such a transit (and lines between friend and foe get thicker and thicker (amplified by Neptune in Aries). But the good news is that talking, sciences, and even exchanges can truly change the world too and have a heightened potential to solve problems we otherwise could have only solved through war and violence.
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Uranus in Gemini promises to be a time that’ll go into the history books as an “interesting chapter of life.” However, we have just as much goodness coming our way as potential struggles, and with the struggles, we’ll see both silver linings and opportunities to change things to create a better reality.
Further Reading:
As you might have noticed, I tied Uranus in Gemini to two more events going on at the same time:
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