The axis of eclipses changes signs - namely, the South Node (Ketu) enters Libra, the North Node (Rahu) enters Aries - and now, all eclipses are either in/close to Aries and Libra. But what does that mean? How will it affect you personally? This is what we’re here to discuss in this article. (Note: if you have the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra in your birth chart, this article is relevant for you beyond the time of this astrological event.)
Before we jump in, this introduction (up until here) is the same as it is in the article about the North Node. In this article, we focus on the South Node. Both are important – they are two sides of the same coin. If you’ve read the North Node already, feel free to skip until here. If not, please be my guest and enjoy the ride.
So – what even are the Lunar Nodes?

The Nodes in a Nutshell
Do you know what an eclipse is? When the Sun, Earth, and Moon align in such a way that one of the heavenly bodies is blocked from view (from Earth’s vantage point), it’s called a Solar (Sun’s gone) or Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon’s hidden). There are only two points in Space where those three heavenly bodies can align in such a way that this effect happens: and they are called the Lunar Nodes, also known as North Node (Rahu) and South Node (Ketu). The terms Rahu and Ketu come from Vedic astrology and are synonymous with the North and South Node. If a New Moon or Full Moon happens close to these points, we have an eclipse… but the points always exist, even if the Sun and Moon are elsewhere.
The Lunar Nodes are mathematical points in the sky – they show where the ecliptic intersects with the Moon’s orbit (which then can lead to a perfect line up), but even if they aren’t involved in a lunation, this intersection of orbits doesn’t go away. Therefore, the Nodes always exist and cause some mayhem in our lives depending on which sign and house they fall in, and which aspects they form.
Astrologically, the Lunar Nodes talk about two things: evolutionary growth and destiny. I would like to leave the spiritual/religious questions here up to you (on whether destiny exists and how much it predetermines) but here’s an effect that’s undeniable. When the Lunar Nodes are triggered, events happen that feel fated in some way. Whether you believe in fate/destiny or not – it’s up to you, but you can certainly feel that this was fated, regardless of your belief.
This can mean that “coincidences” happen that create huge ripples in your life and maybe even change your whole trajectory. Whatever is inevitable speeds up, and information that was previously hidden comes to light. Sometimes, life-changing events happen out of the blue, like realizing you’re pregnant.
There are two things that are important to note here. One, the Lunar Nodes always travel backward – so, while the Sun would travel steadily from 0° to 30° Aries and then enter 0° Taurus, The Lunar Nodes do the opposite: they started at 30° Taurus, go to 0° of the sign and then cross over into Aries at 30° on July 17th, 2023.
Second, the Lunar Nodes may (and do) exist on their own, but they’re also heavily involved with the eclipses that happen two sets per year. These Eclipses (total, partial, Lunar, Solar – you name them) trigger the themes of the Nodes in an intense way and weave a story of change that impacts your life for the next 1 ½ years.
So, let’s break down the Nodes one by one.
Rahu – The North Node
The North Node (or Rahu) is the “destiny”-point you’re supposed to lean towards. Essentially, where the North Node falls is a significator for lack of growth, attention, focus, resources… or, alternatively, a sign that something has to be heavily redone in this area. A common mistake people make is that they believe that you have to ONLY look towards the North Node and only care about its principle, at the expense of the South Node… but that’s actually not the case. The South Node is as important, and going only towards the North Node leads to massive instability and an unsustainable life.
But the North Node in transit (= in the sky) basically says: “Hey, you haven’t paid attention to this area of your life enough – let’s change that.” And, as the astrological event progresses, you get to lean more into that area of life and change stuff up. Though: you choose whether you use this time for good or for bad. You can use the “elevated focus” to focus very much on screwing up and harming others if that’s what you want to do – so, “being 100% in the North Node” isn’t a sign that you’re acting like a good person OR fulfilling your own destiny. Hopefully, you are – but you do have some leverage through your own decision-making.
That being said, not everything with the North Node is under your control, a LOT comes from the rest of the world – be it other people, a Higher Power, or the universe.
Ketu – The South Node
The South Node (or Ketu) is the opposite of the other point – which is why many Western astrologers completely forget it exists and other people demonize it to a T. We’ll do neither here today.
The South Node shows us what we need to let go of, clean up, and learn how to do differently in order to fully step into the North Node in a healthy way. Essentially, the South Node shows where we have too much of a good thing – so it stops being a good thing (up the dosage of medicinal potions and they become poison). In that vein, there’s always a necessity for “cleaning up and down-sizing” within the symbolism of the South Node. For instance, being very aware of other people’s perspectives on a certain topic is a good thing: it allows you to learn, grow, and form a very nuanced view of the topic. However, if the awareness becomes too much, it can lead to extreme confusion, changing your mind every couple of seconds, and opinion-centered people-pleasing. That’s too much of a good thing: so, there needs to be a decrease of the good thing and a cleaning up of belief systems and patterns that may push you too far into the awareness.
The South Node also shows where what you have so far isn’t working, healthy, or sufficient, which leads to the necessity for change (usually through a shedding process or through disentangling old structures). For instance, you may have a relationship that’s unequal in a way that affects you guys’ overall happiness and relationship health. And for shits and giggles, let’s say you’re the one who isn’t pulling their weight. What you have so far isn’t working, healthy, or sufficient – and change is necessary. Sometimes, there are reasons you aren’t pulling your weight (past wounds that keep you from being an active participant in a relationship, for instance) and those need to be addressed. Sometimes, a situation needs to be dismantled before you can show up (f.e., you’re so involved in another situation you don’t have more energy to give), and so on. But essentially, the South Node shows where the issue lies so that you can address it – and from that point on, you’re naturally drawn into the North Node again, as you now have a working foundation to stand on.
This means that the themes of the South Node don’t require you to completely stop focusing on that area of your life. Rather, you focus here so you can focus on the North Node next – and often, working with the South Node naturally draws you into the North Node, without your active participation.
This is why worldly events often reflect the South Node’s placement early in the transit (= astrological event) before they show the North Node’s influence.

The South Node in Libra: Winds of Change
Again, the South Node has three functions. 1) Show you what’s not working. 2) Show you where there’s too much of a good thing (which now means it’s not a good thing and that you need to clean house). 3) The foundation you need to change to get to the North Node. Because of this, we’ll spend a lot more time discussing the South Node than we did the North Node – not because it’s more important (many astrologers would argue the opposite), but because it’s harder to understand and requires more subtlety.
Let’s get into it.
Libra is the sign of relationships, Aries of individuality – and the South Node’s journeying into Libra. This doesn’t mean that you need to break up with your boyfriend and sobbingly sing Miley Cyrus’s Flowers in the shower as your tear-drenched hymn of independence. However, it does refer to a truth many of us already know: relationships show us our need to be alone from time to time. Compromise shows us how much we just want to do what WE want to do, with no thought for other people. Having to hear someone else’s perspective makes us see how much we just want the other person to agree with us and take our word as gospel. A.k.a., being in a relationship shows you exactly how much you’d like to live life as a single entity. And that’s human. In doses, it’s perfectly normal and even healthy for relationships to thrive. Long-term relationships that stay healthy and vibrant always have a balance between an “us”-mentality and time away from the relationship to be by yourself.
With the South Node in Libra, we’re called to see where we maybe haven’t engaged in enough time away from the relationship – and this doesn’t just refer to physical time apart. We all need areas of life where we make choices without including our partners – the question is just how much we engage in that, where the area of self-actualization lies, and how we go about it. If you put yourself first in an area that really wounds your partner or that’s highly unfair, that’s going to create issues. If it’s an area where your partner doesn’t care much (or likes surprises anyway), then that’s going to be good and healthy. So, “time away from the relationship” includes the time you spend outside of the “we’re a couple, we choose together”-mindset… and live life as your own person.
The next facet of this is this: the South Node in Libra shows us where we may have tried to use relationships to get our desires met. Now, there’s NOTHING wrong with that, unless of course we’re talking about manipulation or using other people. But sometimes, it’s the wrong avenue to realize our desires. The South Node shows us where that’s the case and where we need to switch gears to a more direct approach.
It also shows us where we give to others (South Node in Libra) solely to get something or change a person to our own benefit. And guess what, that’s not going to go too well under this astrological event – or at all in life, only now it’s more obvious. You need to be yourself and let others be themselves. If you give to them, do it as the expression of your own values, generosity, love, and ability to give to them at any moment in time. This lowers the resentment if you don’t get back exactly what you hope for, and it inspires people to be more generous with you (because there’s not the subtle feeling of “having to” give to you). Lastly, the South Node shows you where you seriously have unmet needs in relationships – and the way to resolve this is not to give more to the other person and hope they somehow figure out what’s up, it’s to speak up and let the other person know what you need and what you’re lacking.

(False) Equality and Fairness
This brings us to the next point, equality. Libra is all about fairness and equality – but it’s not necessarily great at creating these things. The South Node in Libra shows us where we threw ourselves or others under the bus to create what we think is equal circumstance but happens to be unfair to one or all parties involved. This is a concept called false equality.
To understand this, imagine someone with two working, healthy legs racing someone who’s missing one leg, and who walks with crutches. And now, imagine a third person walking up to the two and saying: “Hey, it’s not fair that one of you is racing with tools and the other isn’t. So, the person with just one leg needs to give up their crutches or the race wouldn’t be fair.” Things like this are, on the surface, done in the name of equality (either all parties use tools or none) – but the result is, obviously, more inequality, not less of it. Hopefully, you’re as appalled by the idea of this example happening in real life as I am – and hopefully, you live in a world where this would never happen to a one-legged or otherwise disabled person. But the concept of “creating inequality in the name of equality” is age-old, and very much alive today. I’ll leave it up to you to identify inequality in the world right now, and where we’re prescribing to false equality to fix it.
For the time of the South Node in Libra, real medicine is always Aries energy. Stand up (Aries) against inequality. Stand up for your right to do things the hard way (the way in which a competitor of yours would be treated fairly). Respect other people’s strengths by not trying to save them from every disadvantage, unless they communicate that they want to be saved. A fair fight is always hard. Choose to walk that harder path, because that’s the path that’ll lead to better results for the next 1 ½ years.
In your personal life, take a good look at what you think is “fair to you,” and ask yourself if it really is. For example, is it fair that you’re paying half the rent if your partner is making more money than you, and doesn’t sweat the financial burden as you do? Different people have different answers – it’s not in my capacity to make that choice for you, but I am suggesting that people think about this thoroughly under this astrological event. Whatever the answer, if you and your partner see it as fair, then it is.
In the same vein, thinking about what’s fair to other people is important under this astrological event but not without consulting the other and respecting their perspective. It’s nice that you feel that it’s only fair to your partner if they get to do the task you love, which is driving the car. But if your partner doesn’t like driving cars, they’re not going to feel as though you’re doing them any favors. In this case, making the selfish choice (of driving the car 100% of the time) makes both you and your partner equally happy. So, ask the other person before deciding on what’s fair to them – and please, always check in with yourself before blindly giving someone all they want in the name of fairness.
Because the ugly truth is, most humans define “fair” without taking a proper look at what their version of “fair” causes in another person. It may not feel fair if one kid out of the entire class gets an F in math – but if you artificially give the kid a C, what does this do to all other kids that worked really, really hard to get their own Cs? Or to the kid that sat down every day for two hours after school to get math and proudly brought their first D home – how is that fair to them? Someone yelling: “This isn’t fair!” Doesn’t define whether it is fair or unfair. So, just because someone tells you that they need you to make a sacrifice in the name of fairness/equality… you are NOT obliged to do that.

(False) Peace and Harmony
While we’re on the subject of “false,” let’s talk about false peace and harmony. The same principle as with false equality/false fairness applies: it’s in the name of what you want, but creates less of it over time.
Example: Your partner is yelling at you for no reason. You swallow your true feelings and put on a smile in the name of keeping the peace. Your child is having a temper tantrum in the aisle of a food store. You give them the sweets they’re screaming about so they’ll be nice and behave again. Your boss is putting you in a situation that’s highly unfair to you. You say “Yes, Sir/Ma’am” and do what they’re asking you to do, dealing with the consequences.
What’s the result of all those things over time? Rage. Anger. Resentment.
A partner who uses you as a proverbial punching bag every time they’re upset, probably even without realizing that’s what they’re doing. A kid who learns that being difficult gets them the results they otherwise don’t get. A boss who knows they can use you to get the tough work done without having to reimburse you or worry about you raising a fit.
And in the long run, a marriage that breaks apart after 10 years, a kid that becomes a nightmare to deal with, a boss who keeps mistreating you. Sometimes even long-term issues such as stress-related health stuff or mental health issues.
The price of peace and harmony in the moment (when both are inappropriate) is always a steep one to pay. As a matter of fact, it’s almost always the death of peace and harmony later on.
If you keep quiet and let someone treat you in a way that’s not okay, you’ll have to fight harder to get them to change their behavior later on. Also, you’ll likely erupt in aggressive or passive-aggressive behaviors at some point along the line when the straw breaks the camel’s back. Then, the fact that your partner forgot to change the lightbulb becomes a relationship crisis, even though your anger at them has nothing to do with a lightbulb: it’s just pent-up and looking for a release. Similar things apply to the other examples, you may act towards your kid in ways you shouldn’t or punish them for stuff that wasn’t all that bad just because there is pent-up emotional material inside you. You may sabotage your career in ways you can’t come back from – or quit out of the blue because of the work environment – when all that would have been necessary was an assertive conversation.
Obviously, there are always times when we need to shut up and play along, but that’s not all the time, or in all situations. Under the Nodes in Aries and Libra, the time to shut up and push things down to keep the peace/harmony ISN’T now. The situation may get worse if you avoid conflict.
Peace and harmony are grounds for toxicity when they aren’t paired with your ability to stand up to preserve the health of the relationship and to live out healthy self-interest. Same goes for all other parties involved. Conflict, while uncomfortable, can bring more peace and harmony than there was before – if, of course, the conflict gets resolved – and it keeps that toxicity from getting into the relationship/building if it’s there.
Please don’t get me wrong, this is not a call to get yourself into a never-ending series of arguments with people, or to create conflict for the sake of conflict, or to become an asshole. This is simply a reminder that the things you push down to keep the peace can come back up to steal it again: so, deal with things under this transit, don’t avoid or ignore them to keep a peace/harmony that’s temporary at best. (Of course, if you’re not bothered by something, you don’t have to create conflict because of it either, even if your friends/family tells you that you have to – but that’s only the case when it truly doesn’t bother you). There’s no way to keep lasting harmony and peace without occasional conflict, so choose the conflict when it’s necessary. Set boundaries with people.
(Obviously, this is a very one-sided depiction of interhuman relationships and very complex personal and social topics. In part, this is because I CAN’T speak to everything when it comes to a blog article – the other part is that the South Node in Libra makes this dimension of healthy conflict ending false peace more necessary to cover than other topics. As with all that I write, I hope that readers use common sense.)

Saying “Yes” Can Be A Disservice
Saying “Yes” can be a service to yourself and others, but it can also be a disservice to yourself and others. With the South Node in Libra, we see where we say “Yes” by default when really, we should say “No” – and why saying “Yes” when it’s a “No” can be highly problematic and complicate your life.
Quick reminder: there are times for every person’s level of comfort, and there are times when we all have to bite a bullet and do what we don’t like. I personally don’t like the taste of certain medications, but if I’m sick, then it’s time to be a grown-up and swallow. Similarly, if you don’t want to do something you know would save someone else’s life, then guess what placing your comfort over a life makes you? An asshole, and worse. There are situations where what I’m going to say next does not apply. So please, proceed with caution.
Regularly extending yourself beyond your own boundaries makes you feel bad inside. It dissolves the trust you have in yourself, your confidence, and your mental health. It can also have ill effects on a relationship, like building your resentment towards the other person or dissolving their trust in you once they figure out you don’t mean your “Yes.” Also, if others continuously ask you to do something for them/give them something that you don’t want to give, you may keep them from finding alternative ways of solving their issues. Not just that, but there’s often a reason people don’t want to do stuff themselves and ask YOU to give it to them/do it for them (if they ARE able of doing something themselves, obviously). So, you now have to pay the price they don’t want to pay, too. All in all, saying Yes when you mean No can be tough on you.
With the South Node in Libra, saying “Yes” when you want to say “No” simply doesn’t work well – it generally isn’t something people should do too often, but now, it creates MORE issues than it does usually, especially in terms of resentment and mental health stuff. So, please try to avoid it and stay mindful of patterns that may call you to do these things, such as people-pleasing, etc.
Note: there are times when you have to ignore this advice completely. Being a grown-up means making hard choices sometimes – please, don’t take this and run amok with it. Thank you.

In Your Personal Chart
The following information is for your Sun and Rising Sign. However, it’s still a generalization – I don’t know all of your chart, so I can’t write about it. Therefore, some information may have to be modified in your specific circumstances, and some may be missed. Please book a reading if you’d like to get a full picture.
Also, this information only fully works in concert with how the North Node in Aries affects you. So, please put them in context with each other or miss out on vital information.
Shortcuts: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
With the South Node in your house of relationships, you need to rework, shift your focus from, or change your relationship with the other people in your life – and where you may prioritize them over yourself (in unhealthy ways). All relationships require the parties involved to stay in touch with their core self rather than lose their separate identities for the sake of the “us” mentality of a relationship. At this time, it’s important for you to identify where you may have lost yourself in favor of the “us” mentality, and then to get back to who you are, what you want, and make choices that place your lifepath and health as the number one priority (rather than putting it behind your relationship/partner(s)). This doesn’t mean that relationships won’t be important on this journey (they will be), but for now, they’ll be a vehicle for self-growth and finding yourself rather than the other way around. Aries Rising and Sun are the most affected signs in this transit (specifically on the eclipses). Consider booking a reading or click here to read about the other side of the coin – the North Node in Aries in your house of self, identity, lifepath, beginnings, and your body.
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The South Node falls in your house of health, work environment, routines, mentors/aunts/uncles/pets, and service. This doesn’t mean that your health is going to necessarily take a nosedive, but rather, that it’s time to shift the way you think about your health or treat your body. Maybe this looks like cleaning up your diet or daily routines – specifically in such a way that you have more time, more rest, and more relaxation. (This is not a transit for adding stressful routines you can’t possibly keep over time – unless there’s a dire necessity for this, of course). Maybe this means not constantly beating yourself up because of your health, but extending compassion to yourself and looking for the bigger meaning behind your experiences. This will play out differently for different people, specific to your chart (there are also more interpretations for this aspect of health than what I’ve written down). But what almost always happens for people with this astrological event is that your work routines and work environment are up for a change: what doesn’t work for you now is overloading your schedule or having so much workload that NOTHING in your life can go wrong, lest everything collapses over your head. Create space in your schedule for unforeseen changes (specifically around the eclipses) and expect your daily chores (at work or home) and the way you help people/do things for them to be up for an overhaul. Note: Many people with this combination will experience more tiredness than usual throughout this astrological event, specifically during the eclipses.
Click here to read about the other side of the coin – the North Node in Aries in your house of release, endings, karmic/spiritual things, and rest.
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The South Node travels through your house of pleasure, children (if applicable), inner child, creativity, and romance. So, this doesn’t mean you won’t have nice things anymore, but this does mean that you’re less drawn to think about “in the moment” things/pleasures, but that you’ll be focusing on how what you’re doing right now affects the long-term. Fertility may be slightly elevated (not too much, plus fertility is a whole-chart subject) but it could be a good idea to take protection seriously on and around the eclipses if a child isn’t wanted. With this astrological event, your focus is also going to shift from how you can have fun/serve yourself (not that there’s anything wrong with that) to how you can help and impact your community around you and other people. This can look like publishing your art so others can benefit, or bringing somebody along with you on vacation (a friend, perhaps). Different people do this differently – in summary, you’ll notice that you need to be more strategic and more focused on other people in your pursuit of pleasure. Lastly, romance can still be a theme for you at this time, but here, too, there’s a focus on building something for the long term. Friendships may be more important for you at this time than dating/your partner. Romantic relationships are still up for an overhaul.
Click here to read about the other side of the coin – the North Node in Aries in your house of community, future planning, and friends.
If you'd like to support my work with a donation, you can also do so here. This is absolutely not required, but it would go a long way to help me keep doing this work. It would also help a lot if you could share this article with a friend. Regardless of whether either is possible for you, I appreciate you!
The South Node now travels through your house of home, family, privacy, and your roots. This means that it’s time to rework, rethink, or redistribute your energy when it comes to home life, family, private life, or the culture/place/belief systems you were born into. Maybe you’re cleaning out a house or throwing half of your belongings away, maybe you’re moving somewhere else – maybe you’re getting away from your roots/culture of origin in other ways. Maybe your relationship with your family changes, or you find yourself with less time or necessity for being by yourself than usual. You may spend less time with your family (f.e., the kids are out of the house, your youngest kid is now in school, the parent you lived with moves elsewhere, etc.) or have to integrate your family life into your career in a different way. All in all, your home and family life are up for some significant changes. Writing all possible outcomes down would take too long (and is highly dependent on your natal chart), so please consider coming in for a reading if you’re interested. Also, please don’t forget to read about the other side of the coin – the North Node in Aries in your house of career, work, mission, and authority.
If you'd like to support my work with a donation, you can also do so here. This is absolutely not required, but it would go a long way to help me keep doing this work. It would also help a lot if you could share this article with a friend. Regardless of whether either is possible for you, I appreciate you!
The South Node in your house of learning, local community, perception, thinking, and communication (as well as siblings and neighbors) means that this area of your life is up for some changes. One, it’s time to stop learning from a beginner’s mindset and start integrating what you’ve learned already. This doesn’t mean you’ll never learn a new thing, but that you focus more on what you already know for sure, rather than thinking of all you don’t know yet about a topic. Next, this also means that the way you think and see the world may be “cleaned up” in some way (usually by your own efforts), and so is your communication. You may be drawn outside of your comfort zone into areas of the world/life you haven’t been to before, you may step out of your local community to focus more on a) a new community or b) a worldwide community. Lastly, siblings and neighbors as well as your local environment may be up for some changes and lead to transformations in your life.
Click here to read about the other side of the coin – the North Node in Aries in your house of belief systems, broadening horizons, and education.
If you'd like to support my work with a donation, you can also do so here. This is absolutely not required, but it would go a long way to help me keep doing this work. It would also help a lot if you could share this article with a friend. Regardless of whether either is possible for you, I appreciate you!
The South Node now enters your house or finances, resources, values, and self-esteem. This means that it’s time to stop being an island, metaphorically speaking. Being independent financially and psychologically is important, but now it's time to see how independence can create healthy interdependence – and how you’d want and need that. (Also, financial systems in the world are always intertwined in some way, so it’s time for you to look at how YOUR finances are impacted by OTHER people, even without you being married, etc.) You may also experience financial changes based on other people’s actions (like inheriting something or gaining money from a trust fund; tax stuff; investments, etc.) Your self-esteem may become less of a focus for you (slash, be reworked to be much healthier), and your values may be shaken up by intense or even life-changing experiences or transformations.
Click here to read about the other side of the coin – the North Node in Aries in your house of shared resources, intimacy, metaphorical death, and truth.
If you'd like to support my work with a donation, you can also do so here. This is absolutely not required, but it would go a long way to help me keep doing this work. It would also help a lot if you could share this article with a friend. Regardless of whether either is possible for you, I appreciate you!
The South Node is entering your house of self, identity, life path, new beginnings, image, and the body. This is a very intense energy that can lead to many physical changes in your life or the way you view yourself. Almost always, it correlates to losing something in your life (and being better off for it) by choice or circumstance. It also means that it’s time to trust and rely more on other people than you may want to do, specifically if you’re the “(hyper-)independent”-type. There’s nothing wrong with not needing other people as much, but we all as human beings need social contacts and can sometimes use the help of a friend. At this time, you’re drawn to seek out those contacts and that help rather than attempt to do it all alone. Your view of who you are may dramatically shift, and so may your entire life. You are the second most affected sign for this astrological event.
Click here to read about the other side of the coin – the North Node in Aries in your house of relationships.
If you'd like to support my work with a donation, you can also do so here. This is absolutely not required, but it would go a long way to help me keep doing this work. It would also help a lot if you could share this article with a friend. Regardless of whether either is possible for you, I appreciate you!
The South Node is entering your house of releasing things, endings, spiritual/karmic/energetic topics, charity, rest, and alone time. You’re being drawn away from excessive time alone, navel-gazing, or focusing on spiritual/karmic/energetic (or mental health) topics and towards practicality. It’s not to say that all of the above doesn’t matter anymore, but it’s to say that it’s time to do more and to practically attempt to fix things or solve your issues. This is not a good time to skip preventative health appointments or to live extremely unhealthily. This is a good time to find peace with your past, clean up your life by throwing out what no longer serves, and deal with past pain and energetic overwhelm. You are one of the most affected signs – please make sure you take some extra care on and around each coming eclipse and give yourself some love.
Click here to read about the other side of the coin – the North Node in Aries in your house of health, work environment, and daily tasks.
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The South Node lands in your house of community, friends, hopes, dreams, strategies, and the future (literally and metaphorically). This means that it’s time to shift the way you imagine or focus on/try to attain your future goals and dreams. Sometimes, we can get so carried away with imagining or working towards a future we imagine that we forget to live in the here and now – and that can really mess us up in the long run (doesn’t have to, obviously). At this time, you’re being drawn to live in the now more than the future, or at least to not forget to enjoy the present moment with all the future planning you’re doing. Next up, your ideas of the future you’re working towards (and the way you’re trying to achieve your goals) may be up for an interesting change. What that looks like depends from person to person. Lastly, let’s talk about friends and your community. Some people may experience transformation or extreme changes through/in their friend group and community, especially over social media. Some people may be drawn to do less for the sake of a community and do more for the sake of themselves, their own pleasures and hobbies, or a romantic partner/children (if you wonder why – the North Node is in this house for you now). Allow the focus to shift and spend time being creative. Note: this combination may cause rising fertility, so please be a little careful if you don’t intend to have a child at this point in life (fertility is a whole-chart topic, so please come in for a reading for further information.
Click here to read about the other side of the coin – the North Node in Aries in your house of pleasure, romance, and children (if applicable).
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With the South Node in your house of career, mission, work, authority, and parents, it’s time for you to shift the way you work, the way you try to achieve your ambition, and the way you handle your own/deal with other people’s authority. Some people may focus less on work overall at this point in life, others may go through a career change or change their perspective on their work-life (in the grander scheme of things). All in all, this area of life is up for some BIG changes, and so are your status and reputation. This is not the time to make some silly mistakes and hope no one will find out, act with integrity now and avoid unnecessary drama. This is also not a good time to step out into the public eye or attempt to get a promotion that will require you to work more, not less. Some people may choose to work from home or in ways that better serve their family/need to be alone/have a private life. This is one of the most impacted combinations, specifically as Pluto transits your house of identity on and off until November 2024 – it also transits your finances as it moves through Aquarius, and these themes are very connected. Read about it here and here or come in for a reading.
Also, please don’t forget to read about the other side of the coin – the North Node in Aries in your house of private life, family, the home, and roots.
If you'd like to support my work with a donation, you can also do so here. This is absolutely not required, but it would go a long way to help me keep doing this work. It would also help a lot if you could share this article with a friend. Regardless of whether either is possible for you, I appreciate you!
The South Node lands in your house of belief systems, broadening your horizons, teaching, and foreign cultures. This means that your belief systems are up for an overhaul – and it’s important for you to cultivate a fresh perspective on the world, rather than just seeing things through the lens of what “you know for sure.” This is a time to get back to school or otherwise focus on learning new things, to focus less on a worldwide community or worldwide travel, and more on your local community. In-laws, step-family, grandparents, etc. may cause some/be subject to transformation at this point of your life. Travel may be a bit problematic around the eclipses, especially if they line up with Mercury Retrogrades as the one on April 20th, 2023 does.
Click here to read about the other side of the coin – the North Node in Aries in your house of siblings, communication, learning, and local life.
If you'd like to support my work with a donation, you can also do so here. This is absolutely not required, but it would go a long way to help me keep doing this work. It would also help a lot if you could share this article with a friend. Regardless of whether either is possible for you, I appreciate you!
The South Node travels through your house of intimacy (sexual and otherwise), truth, power, shared resources, and life-changing experiences, which makes you one of the more impacted signs for this astrological event. First of all, it’s time to let go of financial dependency as much as you can (it may not be easy or achieved tomorrow – that’s okay. Also, some people are already financially dependent/can never become that, so this may not be applicable to everyone). Your finances may be up for a change, specifically the ones you share with/that are heavily affected by other people: so make sure you know what’s happening with shared finances/resources and aren’t too trusty with what other people do with your money. Next, it’s time to simplify your life: get a bit away from chaos and intensity and take care of the foundations of your life. Seek out stability, not intense or life-changing stuff. You may grow a lot as a person at this time, specifically through intimacy and intense experiences, power, or life-altering truths. Always, always remember the values you hold and let your integrity guide you on how you deal with upheaval. This is quite an intense astrological event, so please take care of yourself, specifically on and around the eclipses. Consider booking a reading here.
Also, please don’t forget to read about the other side of the coin – the North Node in Aries in your house of resources, finances, values, and self-esteem.
If you'd like to support my work with a donation, you can also do so here. This is absolutely not required, but it would go a long way to help me keep doing this work. It would also help a lot if you could share this article with a friend. Regardless of whether either is possible for you, I appreciate you!
Further Reading
If you like this, I encourage you to check out the article for The North Node (Rahu) in Aries and also, The First Solar Eclipse in Aries, which features a preview of the themes that hit July 12th, 2023, onward.
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