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Pluto in the 5th house: Love, Joy, Children, Fertility, and More (Natal & Transit Explained)

Updated: Nov 17, 2024

Pluto is entering Aquarius soon… and for this occasion, I wanted to talk one more time about Pluto in the 5th house of creativity, children, love, joy, and all things that make life truly wonderful.


Before we jump in, here’s a quick explanation of the terms, here are the dates for when this happens for you, and here are the links to the main part of this article and the follow-up article.


The Terms:


Pluto is a dwarf planet that rules power, transformation, secrets, and big changes in your life that happen from the inside out. It’s associated with intensity, the primal, and the taboo, as well as psychology, your life mission, and the underbelly of our societies/lives.


The 5th House: 

Houses are areas of the sky that speak to different life areas. The fifth house is all about relationships (which I’m handling in the article called Turning up the Heat in Love: Pluto through the 5th and 7th Houses), as well as the topics I’ll handle here: creativity, self-expression, children, fertility, pleasure, hobbies, the heart.


Birth Chart vs. Event: 

Being born with Pluto in the 5th house means that the themes described in this article will be ones that you live into throughout your entire life. They may be more important at some times, less so at others, but they’re always there. You can see your birth placement in your natal chart (feel free to come to say Hi in a consulting session with me & figure out not just where your Pluto lies, but also what it means and how to work with it).


However, as Pluto wanders through the sky in real-time, the planetary player may also enter your fifth house for a temporary stay. That event is called a transit. Pluto transits differ in length: the shortest is 12 years, and the longest is 32 years. So, as you can see, we’re talking about long frames of time – but ones that are still fractals of our lives rather than life sentences.


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When does Pluto move into my 5th house?

If you’re wondering whether Pluto is in your 5th house currently, here’s a list of time frames for you! The overlaps between timeframes are due to something called planetary retrograde. In plain English, this means that Pluto “moves back and forth” from our perspective on Earth.


Caution: This list ONLY works for your Rising Sign, it does not work for Sun Sign or Pluto Signs.


Libra Rising: With this Rising/Ascendant, you’ll have a Pluto 5th house transit from May to June 2023, January to September 2024, November 2024 to March 2043, and September 2043 to January 2044.



Other Rising Signs:


Virgo Rising: January to June 2008, November 2008 to March 2023, and September to November 2024. (For you, Pluto is going here.)

Leo Rising: Jan-Apr 1995, Nov 1995-Jan 2008, Jun-Nov 2008. (For you, Pluto is currently here.)

Cancer Rising: Nov 1983-May 1984, Aug 1984-Jan 1995, Apr-Nov 1995. (For you, Pluto is currently here.)

Gemini Rising: Oct 1971-Apr 1972, Jul 1972. Nov 1983, May-Aug 1984. (For you, Pluto is currently here.)

Taurus Rising: Oct 1956-Jan 1957, Aug 1957-Apr 1958, Jun 1958-Oct 1971, Apr-Jul 1972. (For you, Pluto is currently here.)

Aries Rising: Oct-Nov 1937, Aug 1938-Feb 1939, June 1939-Oct 1956, Jan-Aug 1957, Apr-Jun 1958. (For you, Pluto is currently here.)



Scorpio Rising: Mar-Sept 2043, Jan 2044-Jun 2066, Jul 2066-Apr 2067, Sept 2067-Feb 2068. (For you, Pluto is currently here.)

Sagittarius Rising: Jun-Jul 2066, Apr-Sept 2067, Feb 2068-Jun 2095, Sept 2095-Apr 2098, Nov 2096-Mar 2097 (For you, Pluto is currently here.)

Capricorn Rising: Jun-Sept 2095, Apr-Nov 2096, Mar 2097-Jun 2127, Nov 2127-May 2128, Jan-Mar 2129. (For you, Pluto is currently here.)

(Aquarius Rising: Jun-Nov 2127, May 2128-Jan 2129, Mar 2129-Aug 2157, Nov 2157-Jun2158, Jan-May 2159. (For you, Pluto is currently here.))

(Pisces Rising: Aug-Nov 2157, Jun 2158-Jan 2159, May 2159-Aug 2183, Jan-Jun 2184, Apr 2185. (For you, Pluto is currently here.))

And then, it’s Gemini Rising’s turn, then Cancer’s, Leo’s, and so on.


You can also click here for a master article on all links and all time frames.


Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty stuff.



Pluto in the 5th house – whether by birth or by event – brings you a massive story of transformation through and within the realm of creativity and self-expression. There’s also a potential shadow side here of dealing with manipulations, abuse of power, deception, and other related nastiness by others to control or profit off of your creative gifts or self-expression.


This means that under Pluto in the 5th, it’s very important to keep your creations legally safe and to read any and all contracts you ever sign. Do not put yourself in a position where someone, especially a powerful person or business, can take advantage of you or steal from you, because the likelihood of people trying to get you is high. Similarly, you may feel much more pressure than others (or than you did before) to become or create what others wish to see, or what you feel would give you an advantage in the world.


That’s not necessarily a bad thing (though honestly, I would not recommend investing in this goal under Pluto in Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, or Taurus, as having Pluto in the 5th on top of these transits is going to make the attempt blow up in your face). However, even Pluto in the 5th on its own asks you to stay true to your SOUL when you create. It asks you to own who you truly are (regardless of whether your creations have something to do with you personally or not) and means that attempts to sell your soul for money, fame, or power will ultimately harm you personally, creatively, and in your life.


Pluto reveals what we suppress. And it doesn’t do it gently. This means that if you create while trying to hide from who you are, or while you’re trying to create a palatable version of what you truly feel lit up around making, or you’re frankly trying to suppress your true creative self for one reason or another… well: you’re going to be in a world of pain until you stop doing so. Creative blocks can come from this and so can severe psychological pains and wounds.


When it comes to self-expression, the same thing occurs in principle. Under Pluto in the 5th, you will meet people or situations that attempt to mold you into a different version of yourself, or at the very least, to mold the way you express yourself so you better fit in Box X. Again, there are healthy ways to do this (just as there are healthy ways to try out creating something you know others wish to see). But if it gets to the point where you suppress who you truly are, there will be backlash as Pluto will, frankly, make you feel like hell.


But what’s the positive side of this event? – because there is one, for both creativity and self-expression.


Firstly, the positive side is the counteragent to the negative potential: Pluto in the 5th house doesn’t bring us into situations where we’re tempted to suppress ourselves creatively/in self-expression for giggles, it does so for a purpose… and that purpose is growth and radical acceptance of who you truly are, stepping into your creative power and becoming who you truly are. Pluto in the 5th aids us in becoming immune (or at least, way less affected by) the outside pressures that may try to hijack and control our creativity and self-expression.


The way it does so is often through testing us by fire (especially at first), which is why I wrote the laundry list of warnings above. But both through the tests themselves (whether you notice right away and do things in a way that works for you, or if you learn by getting into a sticky situation and through that realize what not to do), Pluto builds your capacity to withstand these types of pressures and own the true you.


Another really powerful positive of this astrological event/birth placement is learning about the power you can unlock by fully expressing yourself as you are. There is a transformational process going on for you (for a time/for life) that will help you step-by-step become more fully you and that will help you feel stronger, more resilient, and more passionate for life by owning who you are inside.


In creativity, the same thing applies in principle: Pluto here helps you learn the transformational power of being creative and/or creating an actual product/piece of art/book/beautiful home/… and how much resiliency and strength of character this process gives you. Also, whether you’re creative professionally or as a hobby: Pluto in the 5th house will help you access, heal, and transform your deepest wounds, insecurities, and unconscious/suppressed behavioral patterns so you can find empowerment, happiness, and health.


Astrology has significators for actual people in our lives (like your parents, for instance). In some cases, we will all have a person in our lives who fits this significator – for instance, everyone has a father and a mother, at the very least on a biological level. But some significators remain as a potential that may never be realized – for instance, we can see the significator for the spouse in astrology, but not everyone gets married. Therefore, this potential is not going to be realized for everyone. Similarly, not everyone has children. However, the 5th house is a significator for children, so we’ll be talking about this topic here. Before we start:


  1. Not everyone has children.

  2. Not everyone will have children.

  3. Not everyone wants children

  4. Not everyone has the ability to have children.

  5. Pluto in the 5th house is not going to magically bring in a particularly insistent, baby-bringing stork that won’t leave you alone until it’s foisted off a baby unto you.

  6. But, especially for the people who have children or experience fertility-related events, Pluto is going to come in here and change things drastically.

  7. For people who don’t and won’t have children of their own, Pluto in the 5th house (by event/birth placement) tends to play out in different ways (creativity, romance, etc.).


So, now that we’ve covered these ground rules, we’re going to structure this section into three chronological parts: fertility, new children, and pre-existing children. Please pick which one applies in your personal case (as I’m writing a generalized article and need to speak to everyone with this placement, I’ll need your help in tailoring your reading experience to your needs).


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Fertility is a huge topic for many reasons. Under Pluto in the fifth, it becomes even more transformative and even more wrought in the taboo, in power games, and in potential darkness… but there’s also light to be found here.


Firstly, there will be plenty of people with Pluto in the 5th who have major life-changing events regarding fertility. Some of them are obvious (like a pregnancy), and some are less obvious, like side-effects of a contraceptive. (And then, there are people for whom this isn’t relevant at all because they have never been fertile or aren’t anymore before the start of this event – for those people, Pluto in the 5th tends to play out in different ways). So, let’s jump in.


Taboo, Knowledge, Power

Fertility is a highly complex topic that’s both become an industry in and of itself, and that societies have a huge incentive to mess with (either in the case of attempting to make/keep people more fertile so they’ll have more babies, or to keep people from having children in a specific timeline, as pregnancies and childcare disrupt the workplace and status quo). Under Pluto in the 5th house, the way you see the societal and economic (and other power-based) impact is going to change. And in some cases, it’s not only going to change radically, but also give you a new passion project.


In any case, Pluto in the 5th brings you the necessity to make your choice from a place of empowerment and knowledge – and with knowledge, I mean not following along with what’s “commonly known,” but sitting down and researching things yourself. A lot about fertility is hidden right now, including the impact of “safe to use” products such as specific cosmetics, or even specific contraceptives.


You are in charge of your own body. If you claim that power, rather than give it away to others, you can make the choices that create the life you wish to lead (whether that does or doesn’t include children).



In this world, not everyone who wishes to have a child has the capacity to actually biologically have one. While this could come via a birth condition, this can also be the case due to accidents, medical malpractice, unknown reasons, or medically treatable conditions. Under Pluto in the 5th house, fertility-related pain is a very, very deep experience that transforms a person for life… regardless of whether it is a temporary, or life-long experience. (Also, not everyone with Pluto in the 5th is going to deal with infertility and related conditions.)


Unfortunately, Pluto in the 5th house deals with even darker topics too, like pregnancy loss and related things. Please know that – while Pluto in the 5th doesn’t bring this to everyone – it’s not your fault if you experienced this. Please seek medical help.


A note on abortions:

At the time of my writing this article, the discourse on abortions is often one about a person’s right to self-realize, and this procedure is often chosen because it appears to be the “option where nothing changes.” (Obviously, I’m not talking about cases where medical necessity or other hard-core issues come into play, which then must change this discussion).


I will not tell you what to do. But I must tell you as an astrologer that people with Pluto in the 5th by birth or event do not tend to experience an abortion as “the option where nothing changes.” Having an abortion under this event/with this placement may bring unexpected consequences, both medically and psychologically. Some people regret this for life, and are radically, deeply changed by this experience.


Do not make this choice lightly, and please seek the appropriate medical support should you need it.


Having Children

Having a baby under Pluto in the 5th house, be it by birth placement or event, is a massive life shift – which, newsflash, is the case for everyone, but in your case goes beyond the norm… and it doesn’t stop. Pluto in the 5th house brings radical transformation of all you’ve known – and in the 5th house, it comes through contact with children (yours, and technically also other kids). While this is something that of course gets accelerated in pregnancy and childbirth, this keeps going once the baby is here, and there’s no age your child can have where this stops. Either, it goes on for life (when this is your birth placement), or the astrological event ends at some point.


But changes aren’t bad.


Under this astrological event, you’re asked to become the truly empowered person you truly are, and the things that need to be resolved within you will rise to the forefront so you can deal with them once and for all.


For people who have a choice to make when it comes to kids, Pluto in the 5th heightens the stakes: one, is that you may have a harder choice to make than most when it comes to the question of “yay or nay” on kids. Another one is that you might absolutely wake up one day with a burning desire to have a child, even if this was not your plan before. Because of this, I’d suggest being mindful of choosing partners who would NOT be bad parents, even if you presently have no desire to have kids (you don’t have to go for the Parent of the Year type of partner if you don’t want to, but even if a partner’s qualities as a parent aren’t a priority for you, it doesn’t ever hurt to avoid idiots. And people you know right away are bad parents are usually that – after all, there’s a reason you’d feel like they wouldn’t just struggle in a parenting role but would be straight-up bad at it. Save yourself the pain, and keep in mind that this event might absolutely change your “Heck no” on kids to a “maybe” or “yes”… and wouldn’t it be amazing to have a partnership that keeps this option open, should you wish to take it?).


Existing children

This leads us to the last topic in this section. Under Pluto in the 5th house, the children you already have – or those you work with or are otherwise in contact with – are going through massively transformational journeys that may have a flow-on effect on you.


As a side note, there may be a theme around the children you know being exposed to potentially darker and potentially dangerous aspects of life. Please keep an eye on your kids so that they’re safe from harm: Pluto can bring secrets, so make sure your kids/kids you know aren’t being asked to hide things that cause them pain.


The Joys in Life

Pluto in this house asks you to choose joy and find meaning in the world, especially meaning through surrounding yourself with things/choosing experiences that heighten your overall quality of life. This is the power of laughter and of love. Because of this, my biggest advice for people with this placement is: pour into your hobbies – especially, as some of them might have a much more powerful effect than a hobby should have – follow your heart and stay true to you.


Now, one last and final topic:



This article is technically the second one in a two-article series. The reason for this is NOT that Pluto in the 5th is bigger or more intense than other Pluto transits/birth placements (I’d actually say it’s one of the less intense ones). Rather, it’s practicality. Pluto in the 5th has an overlap with another placement in the birth chart/transit (namely the 7th house), and that overlap is romance.


Pluto in the 5th talks about romantic relationships of all kinds, but especially those during the stage where you’re together but not married yet (and also during the plethora of relationship models that come in 2024’s world of dating, casual/fun/non-committed relationships, “situationships,” friends-with-benefits, rebounds, and what not).


While Pluto in the 5th house deals with many topics despite relationships, Pluto in the 7th deals with all kinds of relationships and has this as its predominant topic. This meant that I handled the breakdown of how Pluto impacts your relationships and how to keep yourself safe in dating in this article and then wrote the piece you’re reading now for the rest.


A summary of why this other article is important: Pluto in the 5th by birth placement/event can bring some darkness to your dating life and requires you to be careful around specific types of individuals. However, with a sane, cautious attitude and a couple of things to keep in mind, you can keep yourself safe and have a truly sizzling love life with lots of fun and beautiful, heart-warming connections. The article I previously wrote deals with that and brings tips and tricks, skills, and sane precautions to help you make the best of this event.



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Further Reading

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