The (Micro) Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on March 14th, 2025 builds on themes we’ve been walking with since September 2024. This is a time to get clear on what you need to do, and what you need to clear, to keep moving forward.
Before we jump in on the eclipse itself, let’s clear up the fancy terms for people who’re confused.
Breaking down the Astro-jargon
What’s an eclipse?
Eclipses are what happens when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align in such a way in the sky that either the Sun’s or Moon’s light is significantly dimmed (because another heavenly body blocks it). Eclipses can be partial or total, like this one! Regardless of whether it’s partial or total, it still carries impact… and that remains true even if the eclipse isn’t visible where you live.
What’s a Lunar eclipse?
Lunar eclipses are full moons that fall at such an angle to Planet Earth that the full moon’s light is blocked or altered by Planet Earth’s shadow. Essentially, there’s supposed to be a full moon, big and bright in the sky – but suddenly, the big shadow of our planet falls on the moon and the light in the night sky goes out. I mean, not literally – most of the time the moon just looks a muted shade of brown or red, like it’s been bathed in blood, but that’s not exactly less creepy.
What’s a Micro Eclipse?
The Moon’s orbit around the Earth isn’t fully regular, which means that there are parts of the orbit that are closest or farthest away from our beautiful, blue planet. When a new moon, full moon, or eclipse happens at the farthest point of the orbit, it’s called a Micro Moon. This eclipse is such a Micro Moon – which means that it looks smaller than normal full moons and also feels more subtle. That doesn’t mean it isn’t profound, but that it’s influence is harder to grasp or understand.
The Axis of Eclipses
There are 2 points of alignment where the Sun, Moon, and Planet Earth can come together to form eclipses. These points are called the Lunar Nodes and they fall into zodiac signs (they also move around across the zodiac). Those signs show themes that play a significant role for all eclipses that follow. This particular eclipse is the first since the Nodes changed signs oin January, which means that it has an elevated importance. It’s also the first eclipse out of 2 that happen this month.
Removing Stumbling Stones to Your Dreams
This eclipse picks up on themes we’ve already had a preview on September 18th, 2024 with the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. That eclipse was all about dreaming and envisioning the future you want to have, and think you’ll have. Now is the time where we’re deeply confronted with what it takes to make those dreams reality. What are the stumbling blocks in your life to creating the realities you’d like? In areas where you need to change things up, take action now.
We’re also being deeply confronted with the negative emotions that come up when we aren’t where we’re meant to be. Feelings of being lost, hopelessness, depression, or helplessness can abound at this time, but try not to let them rule you. These feelings are here for one reason: as fuel. Let them show you what it is you truly need to do, and then use them as motivation to do it.
There are of course times when we can’t do anything about the dreams we have: we just have to accept that this isn’t the right dream, or the right time. If you’re in that situation, please know that this eclipse will help you release unrealistic fantasies and expectations. It might require a grieving process, but a better goal, dream, and reality will eventually take its place.
The planet Neptune is deeply involved with this particular eclipse, and it’s also currently at the end of a 160+ years long cycle. This energy makes us, collectively and personally, reflect and wrap up major life themes – sometimes in a gentle, almost subtle way, at other times in a way that’s more profound. This week, take the time to reflect about what it is that’s ending for you. What have you begun in 2011 that you’d like to lay to rest? What do you see in the world that’s been happening across the last 160+ years that’s outlived its usefulness?
This eclipse also marks a time of intense dreams, vivid daytime fantasies (that might distract you from your usual daily life), and extreme experiences of hypersensitivity. Take care of your body and take the time to rest.
On a more positive note, this eclipse is actually a helpful event as it helps us build the frame for the life we’re meant to live. If you’ve lost track of your soul’s purpose or live in a disenchanting life, it helps you find the breadcrumb-trail back to where your meant to be. Lost lovers can be reunited at this time and families torn apart may mend. This is a time of necessary, long-awaited forgiveness and gentle healing and grace. It might not be pleasant for everybody, but as time goes by, we’ll get to see how this eclipse changed our lives for the better.
To read your personal in-the-sign predictions, scroll down. If you’d like to have even more personal support, book a reading with me here.
In the signs:
Please check your Rising, Sun, and Moon Sign. Also, please keep in mind that an astrological chart is more nuanced than those two placements and that a real astrology reading brings in much more information than just this. Thanks!
Shortcuts: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Recommended Reading.
Keywords: wellness, health, work, daily routines, work chores, being of service, pets.
On this eclipse, make time for rest and self-care. Your life might be incredibly busy at this time, but slowing down will help you find calm (especially if you have nightmares at this time) and keep up with your heart and soul at this time. Align your work routines with your soul’s desires and switch things up if it’s needed. If your body needs a detox, now is a good time. Help others only to the degree you can sustain at this time – there’s better future times to play the superhero.
Keywords: children, romance, pleasure, creativity, fertility, fun.
At this time, you may conceive of a project or idea that you’ll work hard at to see to fruition – but in a fun way. Romance may bloom between you and another, or a pre-existing romance may be highlighted at this time. As creativity runs high, make sure you take some time off so you can just have fun. Your children may also be a major theme in your life at this time: make sure to tune into them and help them with what they need. Or, just have some fun scheduled with them!
Keywords: home, foundations, family, properties, parents (mother), private life.
This eclipse highlights your house of home, family, and private life. At this time, make sure your home is all up to par for you. Maybe it’s time to declutter or start a necessary renovation project. Some of you may move house to a place that feels more aligned with your dreams. At this time, make some time to be by yourself and also with your family. Pay attention to your loved ones!
Keywords: communication, perception, local life, siblings, the media, learning.
At this time, communication is a topic that’s strongly emphasized. What conversations do you need to have, that you’ve put off? It’s time to clear the air and put topics you shoved under the carpet up on the table. Solve your issues, rather than procrastinating it. This is also a time of learning new things and “cleaning house” when it comes to your mind. Maybe you need a media detox or a revisit of outdated thought patterns. Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to ask for help: the people around you (esp. siblings, if you have any) may have valuable insight for you right now.
Keywords: values, self-worth, finances, assets, monetizable skills.
This is a time to clean house and draw up some spreadsheets around the topic of finances. Where is your money going to? Where does it need to go? How can you practically solve financial issues, long-term? Another theme right now is also values. Get clear in what yours are and how you live them. The key to self-confidence is to live a life you can justify before yourself. Find out where (if applicable) you need to adjust your life and work on doing so.
Keywords: the self, identity, the body, new beginnings, life path.
This eclipse is a very important astrological event for you as it highlights your relationship to yourself and the world at large, as well as your physical body and your overall lifepath. So, it’s not exactly unimportant or negligible. How do you feel about yourself – and is there something you can do to help shift your (potentially self-critical) view of who you are to something more truthful? How can you, and how do you need to, adjust you life? This event may coincide with major changes in your life. Be prepared for change.
Keywords: rest, release, necessary endings, karmic ripening, spirituality, loneliness.
At this time, you may need more rest and more time to process endings that have taken place over the past 12 years. For some of you, past wounds may come up and require you to make time for self-care. For others, you may realize that something in your life that you’ve held on to isn’t serving you anymore – and hasn’t served you for a while. Release what isn’t yours to hold. It may hurt now, but you’ll feel much better in the future. This is an event of necessary endings, not ones that cripple you in the time to come. Trust the universe and surrender.
Keywords: community, friends, groups, strategizing for the future after 50, hopes and dreams, fame.
This event impacts your house of friends, communities, and allies – as well as your overall hopes, dreams, and plans for the long-term future. At this time, make sure that what you’re doing now aligns with your 10- to 50-year plan. At the very least, it shouldn’t sabotage it! When it comes to your social circle, it may be time to set boundaries with people or clear up misunderstandings that have festered. This is a time to build for the future, not necessarily to say goodbye (you can do the latter around March 29th, or mid- to late July, if it’s still necessary).
Keywords: career, public life, mission, authority figure, legacy, reputation, parents (father)
This eclipse impacts your house of career, work, public life, and legacy. This is a time to evaluate how your work is serving you and the larger collective, and to fine-tune whatever you’re doing to make it work better, and more sustainably. Things at work may be coming to a conclusion (a big project being wrapped up, a new chapter beginning, etc.) This is also a time to fine-tune your work-life balance to meet your needs but also allow you a life outside the office. Your reputation may play a big role right now. Protect it.
Keywords: belief systems, broadening horizons, learning, teaching, travel, luck.
This event impacts your belief systems, whether they’re social, political, philosophical, religious, spiritual, or psychological. At this time, you may learn something you didn’t know before that changes the way you view things. This is not a good time to stand on your soapbox and close your eyes to evidence that suggests you’re wrong: this is a time to take said evidence, dive deep, and learn about what you may have missed. Adjust your beliefs and be open to learning something new. Some of you may travel at this time or have other, horizon-broadening experiences.
Keywords: the wound, healing, truth, trust, intimacy/sexuality, inheritance, shared resources.
This event impacts your house of what’s hidden and your house of truth. At this time, pay attention to information that comes up, especially if it’s “accidental” or changing the game in some way. This is also a time to listen deeply to your intuition and to ask further questions, rather than believing whatever people tell you. In love, intimacy, trust, and shared resources are highlighted: make sure you only give it to people that are worthy and be prepared to grow through giving it. This is a potent time for you. Be prepared for change.
Keywords: 1-on-1 relationships, business partners, love, marriage, commitment.
This event impacts your house of relationships, whether they’re love, social, or business relationships. At this time, you may have to choose your own needs above those of a partner and take the risk that the relationship suffers. However, the relationships that are meant to stay will survive this – a partner who truly cares about you will want you to take care of yourself, they won’t want a puppet that lives for their own needs only. This event marks the beginning of a journey for you: and that journey is about finding yourself and your identity within the context of a relationship, without losing your individual life.
Recommended reading:
Mentioned here:
Further Reading:
Saturn in Pisces (03/2023-02/2026): End of Delusion, Building on Kindness The Year 2025 Compilation of All Articles
That’s it for my latest article! If you’d like to stay up-to-date, consider subscribing to my newsletter.
So much love and see you soon,
Astrology from the Soul.