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2024 Recap: An Astrological Perspective on the Year We’ve Had

Updated: Nov 23, 2024

2024 This year was an intense year that has seen a lot of big events. In order to see where we were (and where we’re going), I decided to write a quick summary of this year and what it’s brought us. Feel free to share it with a friend and to continue reading about 2025.


A List of Events:

The following is a list of events with articles and dates, however, I’ll be summarizing them and putting them in context below. All of these events are big deals, as I didn’t bother with the smaller stuff this year.

Uranus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus (04/2024) No separate article

Jupiter in Gemini (05/25/2024-06/19/2025)

Lunar Eclipse Aries (10/17/2024)

Pluto enters Aquarius for the final time (11/19/2024-2044)

Mars Retrograde in Leo and Cancer (12/6/2024-2/24/2025)


The Year in Review

This year started with an intense conjunction between the North Node, a point of destiny (on a collective and personal level), and the wounded healer asteroid, Chiron. This combination lasted throughout the start of the year and until April, bringing up our deepest wounds and creating psychological, emotional, and physical healing – as well as opportunities to set ourselves free and make different choices that create more health in life. Here is a refresher on the event.


Part of this event, for me personally, was a concussion (funny, since this conjunction happened in Aries, which rules the head), which made it impossible for me to write all the articles I wanted, including the ones on Uranus-Jupiter. Fortunately, I’m an astrologer, so I knew half a year in advance that I might not be able to write in early 2024, and bust my butt to write 4 articles relevant for that time frame plus all of my bi-weekly newsletters until May in advance and put them on pre-schedule (knowing astrology is very good for business & scheduling, let me tell you) – so, at least I was set on that end.


In March then, eclipse season started: a series of events that both asks us to realign our lives to our highest good, and that makes it happen for us when we’re either too challenged or unwilling to make the changes we need in our lives. Eclipse seasons are also catalysts that intensify/speed up developments already underway, and that bring in exciting opportunities such as new job offers, or the love of our lives walking into our paths one day. (Obviously, that’s not going to happen on every eclipse, but the potential for this, and comparable events in intensity and impact, is always there for every eclipse.)


The first one was in Libra on March 25th, though we’ve felt this coming for at least 2 weeks prior (maybe even 3-4, if you’re sensitive). I named this event “A War to Strive for Peace,” as it brought us in touch with all the ways we had previously prescribed to false peace built on a faulty foundation (like, forcing others/ourselves to deal with injustice in silence so as to not rock the boat). It also showed us that it was time to seek out the necessary changes to create true peace built on justice, harmony, and a sustainable foundation – even if that meant conflict erupts. This and more this eclipse dealt with: catch up here.


The second eclipse happened in Aries again on April 8th, and I called it “Forged in Fire: Tempers Erupt.” It was a new beginning that brought the things to a boil that we encountered since mid-March, and on a more subtle note, since July 2023, when the axis of eclipses moved into Aries and Libra. On a personal level, this eclipse was a massive breaking point and a new beginning for many, and on a global level as well.


With the first Mercury Retrograde April 1st-25th happening around the same time, it revealed all the ways we hadn’t been given the knowledge we needed to make our own choices, independently and regardless of someone else’s approval. This retrograde was all about reconsidering our true life path and even destiny, as well as figuring out who we truly were – and what we wanted. The potential for conflict was through the rough, and so was the potential for reclaiming our agency and power from adversaries.


April also brought us a rare, incredibly potent event: Uranus, the change-maker under the planets, was amplified by the planet of expansion, luck, and beliefs, Jupiter. This event revealed the truth underneath the surface, whatever that was, and catalyzed personal and global changes we’ll see play out over the next 12 years.


On May 25th, Jupiter then exited the sign of Taurus and entered Gemini, sign of free speech, variety, a plethora of opinions, and not giving a fig about whether we’re counter-culture or not. Gemini is provocative and freedom-seeking, explorative and all about learning, flexible and independent, and steeped in local life and quick decision-making. Jupiter amplifies all of this and shows us where we need to use our voice and listen to more than just one opinion. This event lasts till June 2025: catch up here for more information.


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Summer came and brought a bit of a release, though the movements of the Sun and inner planets activated Pluto in Aquarius, bringing radical transformation and changes on a global level… and showing us where we needed to start a revolution in our personal lives against what kept us stuck.


August then brought us the 2nd Mercury Retrograde of the year that started in Virgo on August 5th and ended in Leo on August 28th. This event called “Rewriting the Script to Find the Main Character” showed us – quite obviously – where we were acting like the supporting role in our own life paths, rather than taking the reigns and responsibility of where we’re going. It also asked us to listen to our hearts and practically deal with the repercussions of our choices.


August turned into September, when a major, major event happened: Pluto, planet of transformation, power, and the hidden world, re-entered the sign of Capricorn for the last time from September 1st to November 19th. This was a final recap of all we’ve learned since 2008 when Pluto started its journey through the sign (it was also the final Pluto return for the USA, which meant the country became a pressure cooker for transformation throughout all these 15 years, but especially 2020-now). But on a worldwide level too, the truth about our powerful institutions was revealed and we saw where large structures in our lives and world were about to crumble if we didn’t transform them. This 1 ½ month period was the final hour in the chrysalis when we bat our wings against confinement and struggle for freedom.


But we have more events to cover before we enter the promised land: September 2024 also saw the start of a particularly intense eclipse season, one where the themes since mid-2023 were revisited and wrapped up (and not gently, as we were confronted with the final lessons – with about the subtlety of a jackhammer). The last eclipses under the eclipse axis in Aries and Libra asked us to make actual changes, while the first eclipse in the next era gave us a preview of life from January 2025 to August 2026.


A Miracle Moon, the eclipse of September 18th, 2024 (felt since the beginning of September) was the first eclipse on the Pisces/Virgo axis that will rule the way our growth (and soul-plan) evolves from 2025 to 2026. This eclipse also brought massive change to the world, in some cases in the form of massive, unexpected floods and rainfall, which brings a preview to the worldwide repercussions we’ll see over 2025 especially.


Writing these articles is fun, but it’s also hard work: please consider supporting me via donation or sending this to a friend! Thank you!


The next eclipse, Throwing Fire, on October 2nd, and the almost-eclipse (but Super Moon + last lunation in Aries/Libra before the nodal change) Choose Healing on October 17th then became the finale and last stand for the themes of crumbling relationships, transformative love, reclaiming our power, and fighting the fights we need to win. This was a time of rapid-fire action and reclaiming what we needed to survive. As these were the final eclipses under Pluto in Capricorn, they also became particularly powerful.


Then, finally, the promised land. Since March 2023, Pluto has been meandering back and forth between the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn – in a nutshell, the sign of innovation, rebellion, and community, and the sign of keeping the status quo, power structures, and survival – due to a phenomenon called Retrograde. This is when a planet seemingly moves backward in the sky. In an outer planet’s case, this means that a sign’s entry may take up to 2 years as the first entry is followed by a “recap” of the previous sign, and this then gets repeated until the final commitment of the planet into a sign. November 19th, 2024, then sees this final commitment: Pluto enters a sign it’s last been in 248 years ago, at the time of the American and French Revolutions… and that it will exit in 2044, so 20 years from now.


Pluto here is a game-changer and part of a timeframe we’ll be seeing in history books a hundred years from now. Individually, it’ll also both set us free and help us create big, lasting changes in our lives.


Now, the year is almost over: only two more events to recount, the final Mercury Retrograde of the year 11/26-12/15/2024, in Sagittarius confronts us with all the ways we’ve been lied to and now wish to seek the truth. It also messes with finances and communication – and on a much larger scale than usual. Catch up here.


Mars, which has been preparing us for this since October, enters its own retrograde on December 6th and will move backward until February 24th, 2025. This event brings lots of conflict and a re-direction of our paths that’s even more intense as it’s amplified by Pluto’s transformative journey through Aquarius. Read: There Go My Heroes here.


This year was intense. All the major events we’ve seen – and they’re quite a few for a single year – were about change, agency, and power, in our personal lives or the global world. But still, 2024 brought more stability than we’ll see over the next 2 years… and potentially, for a while yet.


This article and the many others I wrote to help you prepare for and understand the events happening in the world are all free of charge. If you want to support my work in bringing this to you, please consider making a donation of your choice. Thank you!


2025: A Bigger Year Awaits

2024 was a big year. But really, this was only the calm before the storm – and I know that’s particularly funny given the fact that many here have been through metaphorical, and (in the case of some dear friends of mine), actual storms that changed the landscape of our lives. So, why am I saying that it is the calm before the storm?


This is the last year in which the two outer planets Uranus and Neptune, as well as the social planet Saturn, remain in their respective signs completely. And all the signs they happen to be in are passive and quite change-resistant… especially compared to the signs they’ll enter over 2025-2026.


Uranus, currently situated in the sign of Taurus, takes eight years to fully finish a journey through a sign. In Taurus, the sign that’s the most concerned with keeping things as they are, it creates changes slowly, steadily, and consistently. It also changes things in areas where we most like to retain stability and it handles long-lasting changes. Taurus is also concerned with the body, the earth, food, money, femininity, fertility, and nature, so all these topics have been extra-impacted by change-makers across the globe, events (such as natural catastrophes), and in our personal lives.


However, because Taurus is so slow and so resistant to innovation, Uranus has not been able to show the rapid-fire, instability-inducing, whirlwind kind of changes that it’s capable of – on a global and a personal level. Yes, the changes we’ve seen so far (since 2018) have been potent and hard to ignore… but Uranus was still not at its full strength (which will fortunately only happen in about 40-something years). But it’s getting back to its normal force next year – and that normal force is enough to shake the earth.


Uranus enters Gemini in July 2025, then dances between Gemini and Taurus until 2026. Any outer planet sign-change brings rapid changes and big events, but Gemini specifically (as it’s a very fast-moving sign, and in that way opposite to Taurus), brings a shell-shocking amount of changes in a disorientingly short time frame. Uranus in Gemini is the storm – and we’ll be starting to see this mid-2025 onwards.


So, let’s talk about the second outer planet that’s changing signs, Neptune. So far, Neptune – the planet of dissolving, endings, compassion, humanitarianism, addiction, spirituality, and belief – has been in the most passive and receptive sign of the zodiac, Pisces. This is the sign that deals with the pause in which we heal because we accept what is. The shadow, of course, is that we may be drawn to accept what we really should fight against, but that’s a different subject. Neptune has been in this sign since April 2011 and typically takes about 14 years to finish a sign, which means that Neptune, too, will start to exit Pisces from March 30th to October 22nd, 2025, and then fully enter its new phase in January of 2026.


So, what is the new sign? Neptune enters the sign most concerned with action, self-actualization, and not taking No for an answer. Aries is all about creating the world we wish to see, and it’s all about individualizing and forging a new path – even if no one has ever (successfully) managed to walk on it. This is the sign that does fight for what it wants and against what’s unacceptable. Neptune here amplifies this, though it adds its own themes (like idealization, longing, and sometimes, deception) that bring an intense twist to the sign concerned with conflict.


Aries is also about massive new beginnings and essentially, the beginning of a new world order as it’s the official new beginning of a 163-year cycle. This means that Neptune, too, moves from accepting what is and sitting in a more passive state of being (collectively) to a worldwide drive to do something and change the status quo – the same as Uranus. And it’s having a huge impact on all of us.


Saturn joins Neptune in its journey. Since 2023, it has been in Pisces, emphasizing the themes of the compassionate sign. Come May 2025 (and until September 2025), it’ll enter Aries, too, and then fully commit to the sign in February of 2026. This now wraps up and starts a whole new 30-year cycle.


Saturn functions as an anchor for us on a personal and collective level. Where it lies, we can find both obstacles and stability and grounding. Aries, as a sign of taking action and breaking through the walls others set in our way, is not exactly a sign to emphasize stability. So once more, we move from a slower pace to a much faster one.


Not only that, but the year 2025 is about new beginnings and endings, since – as you can see – all these three heavy-hitting planets dance between their previous and new signs. This means that we’ll be revisiting everything that happened since 2011 for Neptune, 2018 for Uranus, and 2023 for Saturn, as well as be introduced to a new era of change that starts in that year.


So, 2024 is the calm before the storm… and 2025, is a new dawn – a grand finale – and the beginning of the storm (that will fully hit in 2026). Interested in how this new year affects you? Book a reading with me here!


Recommended Reading:

Recap of all Links:

 All other articles on events happening in 2025 are here.

Thank you so much for reading! If you liked this article, be sure to check out 2025: Year of a New Dawn and a Grand Finale. There’s a gift for you if you subscribe to my newsletter as well: predictions for your Sun and Rising signs for 2025.


See you there,


Astrology from the Soul


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