Year of a New Dawn and Grand Finale: Your Guide to 2025 (Sun and Rising Signs)
The year 2025 is going to be huge: which is why I’ve written a bit of a guide to help you prepare for the biggest astrological year I’ve ever seen (and mind you… we’ve all seen 2020.)
This guide includes what I’m sharing as a blog post with the world on the astrological events happening in 2025 as well as further information on how each Sun and Rising sign is affected. While not a comprehensive interpretation (as each person has a unique astrological blueprint that affects the way 2025 will play out for you – and no cookie-cutter article can fully capture that without fully analyzing your specific natal chart), this is a great starting point and a resource for this upcoming year.
It is my hope that you can save this guide and return back to it whenever you need it throughout this year.
Why Is This Year So Big?
One of the reasons why this year is so huge is that every major planet and point is changing signs. The only exceptions, a.k.a. the only ones who offer us sameness and stability throughout the year are:
Chiron, asteroid/planetoid of wounds, healing, and healers, that’s in the warrior sign of Aries
And Pluto, planet of change, and the deepest types of transformation that include and go beyond death and rebirth, is in the sign of radical revolution, Aquarius.
So, the only grounding influences we have are the planet of transformation that leads us through a 20-year-event of social and technological revolution and large-scale changes, and the asteroid of the wounded healer, currently in a sign to do with conflict, inner child healing, making changes, and our agency.
… that’s not a grounding or consistency-bringing influence. And yet, this is the only consistency we’re really getting.
Other than this, every planet and point that’s a major factor in astrology changes signs:
Neptune, planet of spirituality, shifts from Pisces to Aries, starting not only a new 14-year journey but a new 165 cycle through the zodiac. But it’s not quite done with Pisces either: it’s shifting back again before the year is over, closing out what it started in April of 2011.
Uranus, a planet with an 84-year-cycle that stays up to 8 years in each sign and brings change and the unexpected, enters Gemini: a sign of new ideas galore, changes, and high mental energy. It will return back to its previous sign, Taurus before the year is over so it can close out its journey (that started in 2018).
Saturn, planet of consequences and structures, enters Aries too! This, again, is also the start of a shorter, 2 ½ years – and a longer, 29 ½ year cycle. It’ll re-enter Pisces again in the Fall, and end what it began in 2023.
Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion starts the year in Gemini but enters the sign of Cancer – the sign of home, family, and love, mid-year, something it last did 12 years ago.
The Nodes, also known as the axis of destiny that anchors and grounds the eclipses, move from Aries to Pisces (the Nodes move backward), joining the Neptune-Saturn pair-dance through those signs and affecting all eclipses of 2025. We last had this 18 years ago.
And of course, the planets Mars, Venus, and Mercury, as well as the major asteroids, the Sun, and the Moon all change signs multiple times per year.
But this isn’t all!
While Saturn and Neptune enter Aries together, and exit Aries for Pisces together, too, they’re starting to form a historic conjunction we’ve last seen in that form in the 9th century A.D. (as it’s super-rare for them to change signs together, never mind that these are the first and last signs of the zodiac, bringing massive transformations of new beginnings and final endings).
Plus, as Uranus changes signs, it forms an amplifying aspect with transformative Pluto in Aquarius that’s blowing up the potential for large-scale changes in our personal lives and on a global level (and… the potential for those changes was already high, to begin with.)
And actually, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto (and briefly, Saturn) enter a configuration called a minor trine that’ll last for some years and bring an amplification of change we’ll see amplified by various other astrological events: this is significant, and mythical in nature.
The planets Venus and Mars both go into retrogrades this year (which they don’t do every year, by the way). Venus and Mars will also be in two signs here that they’re weakened by (Aries and Cancer respectively), making the negative potential of the retrogrades stronger. Plus, with Mercury also retrograding in Aries while Venus is there, we’ll be prepped by the inner planets for the rest of the sky’s mayhem: they’ll amplify what is already going on.
By the way, Mercury will retrograde through Aries-Pisces, Leo, and Sagittarius-Scorpio (it’s weakened in 2 of the 5 signs mentioned) and we’ll have 4 eclipses that are each very powerful change bringers – especially the final one of 2025.
Any one – or even 3 – of these astrological events in one year would be significant, but not too big of a deal (well… Neptune would be a big deal no matter what else is going on, as would the – okay, never mind, all the stuff including the words Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune would be enough on their own for one year). But this many astrological events? And this many astrological events with this potency?!
That’s a massive event. And we’ll be looking at what this means next.
But before that, real quick: I have written articles on almost all of these events already. They’re linked below – as well as in this article on my website that will get updated as I write and publish the final articles that are missing. Thank you for your patience.
Okay, let’s get back to the interpretation.
What Does This Mean?
In summary, if you expect a more stable and peaceful year than the one you’ve had – or the ones we’ve had since 2020, I’m very sorry to disappoint you. Astrologically, 2025 is a bigger year than the pandemic years, and those weren’t exactly subtle in their astrological potency. A lot of what we see starting here grounds into a more stable, workable, and consistency-bringing energetic state 2026-2027. However, the good news is that these astrological events take us in a very different direction.
2025 is going to be a new beginning requiring periods of going back and cleaning house (in a very, very final way), but the overall energy is that of birth. As with real birth, there are contractions and releases, but in the end, there’s no going back to what used to be… the new life is here. And the new life is going to change everything it touches.
Globally and personally, we’ll be seeing the beginning of a new era – and as such, there is a lot of hope to feel for this year, energy for brand new starts, and solutions created for problems that held us hostage for a while now. We’ll be reinventing what it’s like to be human in these modern times… and riding the waves of change as our society adjusts to those new paths.
But change requires the end of what used to be. There is no going back: even as the planets Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn move back into their respective signs (Pisces, Taurus, Pisces) by Fall 2025, they’ll only do so to tie up lose threads so they can return in early 2026 – allowing us to fully experience the brand new world.
Astrologers a hundred years ago have looked into the 2020’s, and 2025 and 2026 in particular, and said “Wow, these are going to be huge!” We’ll be living in these times. But we were also born for these times.
There are no mistakes or coincidences about our birth times: they are maps to our human experience for our lives on Earth. We didn’t get dumped into the wrong century or even the wrong month; we didn’t get “born too early,” or “too late” for our soul’s path. We were meant for these times, which means that we were meant to handle them well.
I have written articles for almost all of these events already (by the time I’m publishing this, I’ll also add a handy 2025 Compilation Article where you have all links in one place), and I’m also going to keep writing/publishing pre-written articles on the events I haven’t covered yet. But let’s summarize real quick: what real-world changes can we expect?
What to Expect (Globally):
Not everyone who reads this section will be impacted by all the negative (or positive) points I’m mentioning here: which ones hit you or hit you the most highly depends on your personal astrological blueprint and how this year affects it. If you’d like to know about yours, please book a reading as no article, not even the most thorough one, can speak to the intricacies of your natal astrology map for your entire life. A personal analysis beats cookie-cutter interpretations every time.
However, everyone who reads this will be affected by some of the stuff I’m mentioning. So, it is my personal recommendation that you read about both the positive and the negative so you can prepare in a sane, safe, and thoughtful (but not fear-based!) way.
Here’s the list of 8 things to be cautious about, and here are the 9 pieces of amazing news. Please read in any order.
8 Things to be Cautious About:
The upcoming list may be a bit depressing, but I encourage you to read and prepare. The list after will contain 9 good things about this year – so you can read it first if that helps.
1) Huge Storms
Storms are going to be a huge theme this year with Uranus flirting with Gemini right when Jupiter leaves this sign (and Pluto trine Uranus taking this potential and blowing it into the stratosphere). We’re talking about really big – especially so in unexpected places.
2) Fires
Accidents involving fire and spreading fires are going to be a big thing this year (and… for some time, unfortunately). This especially comes through Neptune in Aries as it’s amplified by Pluto and Uranus. Expect technological failures resulting in fire and natural, fire-based catastrophes. This is NOT the time to access or put into daily use new inventions that are known to have an elevated fire risk. Also, please shore up your home against fires once Jupiter enters Cancer in June.
3) Firestorms
Storms meet fire and guess what happens? This is, unfortunately, a huge risk this year. Please take care.
4) Rain – floods – and water damage
While Saturn and Neptune enter a fire sign (explaining the “FIRE” caution above), they start the year off in and return Fall following to, a water sign. Plus, the North Node moves into that same water sign, placing the eclipses (with one exception) on the same axis. In a nutshell and without the confusing but accurate language, “WATER WATER EVERYWHERE” is going to be a HUGE theme. We’ve already seen this since ca. September 2024 as the first eclipse in Pisces heralded this change, but it’ll be amplified especially from January through May, and then September through the end of the year. Water damages of all kinds, historic floods, floods causing a lot of damage including land loss in areas we didn’t expect this in, and structural damages due to downpours or other issues with river beds or tides are a thing this year.
5) Chemical leakage
Saturn, Neptune, and the North Node in Pisces bring a heightened potential for chemical leakage and the leakage of toxins in general (since Aries rules the military and Saturn and Neptune enter this sign… let’s hope they aren’t involved in that).
6) Armed conflicts
I’m sorry to say this, but 2025 will see a rise of armed conflicts on the individual as well as a more political level. Let’s pray this doesn’t get too far.
7) Consequences of drugs and substance abuse (or mis-medication)
As Saturn and Neptune wrap up Pisces, we’ll be seeing the real, unmistakable proof of addiction, abuse of addictive-making substances, other substance abuse, and medical mismanagement. This has already been happening, but it’s going to come up this year.
8) A rise in authoritarianism
2025 will see a brief rise in authoritarianism on a global level. However, with Uranus in Gemini and Pluto firmly situated in Aquarius (finally!), this won’t last, nor will it become successful. Remember for this time that authoritarianism contains the word “author:” we as humans are the authors of our stories, we get to co-create and thereby protect ourselves by striving for the realities we wish to see in the world. That includes you and me, too, not only those put into power.
Now, to some really good news:
9 Pieces of Amazing News:
1) We won’t be having World War III yet
Some people will look at all of this and get (understandably) super-scared. However, I’m very sure that we won’t have that event just yet – at the earliest, that’ll come in 2028 (again, at the earliest – and I hope and pray that we’ll never have it).
2) We’ll win the fight for free speech
Uranus in Gemini will, among other things, show a struggle for the right of continued/first-time-ever free speech and free press. Fortunately, we, the people, will be winning this fight over the next 8 years. And that winning will start in 2025.
3) More powerful and efficient co-creation and cooperation
2025 will see the real beginning of something that has been teased a little since Pluto’s first stint in Aquarius in 2023: the power of humanity coming together. Groups cooperating, individuals lifting each other up, being of real service to one another – all of this will come through as we navigate all the harder things I’ve just talked about.
4) A rise of humanitarianism
In nowadays world, many use this word to describe themselves but few who say it live it: to be a humanitarian is something that 2025 redefines in a most beautiful and life-giving, compassion-fueled way. True humanitarianism – the real one, not the one for fame, fortune, and social media views – will take the world like wildfire.
5) Humanitarian inventions
Because of the rise of humanitarianism, we’ll see the structures supposed to aid people in improving and even see new inventions of structures to better aid people in various situations, thereby making the world a better place. This is a long-term development, but we’ll see it starting this year.
6) Technology that changes the world
2025 onward, we’ll see a rise in inventions that change the world – and in lots of cases, for the better.
7) A spiritual awakening
Water gives life. The breath of fire, in many myths, was what created the human spirit. Similarly, this year’s transits indicate a giant awakening and new, life-giving process to us humans on a mythic and spiritual level. Many people are finding faith in one form or another. This will continue and ramp up in 2025. This meaning that we find in all of life will fortify us but also make us create a life of beauty and joy where we land. It’ll guide us right into a purpose-driven, intuitively nourished life we’ve always been meant for.
8) The end of what keeps us stuck
On a personal and potentially more social level, we’ll be seeing the end of all the things that keep us stuck. This year contains a huge goodbye and clearing of all the things that we can’t take with us; including the painful and toxic situations we were trying to move away from but remained stuck in. So, if you need movement in your life; if you need a situation to change, or if you need to lose a certain relationship (for whatever reason), this year will unblock you.
9) A huge new beginning
On a personal and societal level, this year – as I said – marks a giant new beginning. How this impacts us at a personal level is something I’ll cover in brief here, but you should really pop in for a reading if you’d like a full, tailored-to-you overview of what’s to come.
Again, this is not even close to a comprehensive overview of next year (as so much is happening – and we all have complex and intricate natal charts that will modify the effects of this year), but it’s a starting point. To go even deeper, we’ll now get into predictions for Sun and Rising Signs (also known as Ascendant Signs or ASCs).
Predictions for Your Sun and Rising Sign (ASC)
A brief explanation:
In the sign predictions take two major points from your birth chart – your Sun and your Ascendant (also known as rising) and place the current astrology in their context. This allows us to see which areas of life will be definitely affected for you.
But! Astrology is much more complex than two signs (or even three, if you include the Moon!): you have an entire birth chart full of all the planets, all the mathematical points, and all the asteroids you wish to include that each have their own impact on one another (thereby, altering each other through their diverse combinations), and affect the ways any regular astrological event impacts you.
My in-the-signs predictions are always written to account for the individual differences someone may experience because of their natal charts, but not every astrologer does that. Most importantly, even accounting for potential differences isn’t nearly on the same level as seeing someone’s birth chart and offering tailored advice in a one-on-one reading: so, if you’d like to learn more, please book a session with me.
Now, without further ado: here are the predictions for your Sun and Rising (Ascendant) signs.
In the Signs:
This year brings a totally new beginning that builds on a massive ending. Neptune and Saturn are finishing up in your house of endings, bringing an energy of finality and situations of release and liberation as the things/people who keep you stuck get flushed out of your life. Next, they enter your house of new beginnings, allowing you to fully build a life you’re proud of: soul-led, sustainable, full of purpose, and true to you. Pluto in the eleventh house transforms your dreams and social circles while Uranus finishes up its work of bringing change and instability to your finances and self-confidence. While this will still be a part of this year, a new theme starts: and that is change through unprecedented thoughts, mindsets, and truths popping into your mind, a change of perspective, and a commitment to using your voice – unfiltered and unfettered. You might be more creative and see changes happening in your local life and with your siblings (if applicable). Jupiter brings you a change of focus as well as good luck in your home, private life, and family: this is a great time to buy a house or take care of your space in a different way.
This year may be hard at times but it’ll also bring great windfalls of happiness and mark the beginnings of better times for you. Keep walking, and you’ll find you’re in a better life before you truly know it.
This year brings massive energies towards endings. Pluto in your tenth house turns your public life, work, and life’s purpose upside-down; and it also asks you to deal with themes around power and misuse of power around authority figures. You are in a situation though where you can fight back and fight yourself free. Neptune and Saturn pick up on these themes and reveal a) situations and people that keep you stuck, and b) your inner patterns of stored-up emotions and self-sabotage. However, these are revealed so you can release them thoroughly and gently. They also create the stepping stone to a fuller and soul-led life. There may even be soul-led relationships coming in! Your intuition, spiritual life, and your ability to find meaning and resiliency in the situations where you need them most are heightened, too. Uranus finishes up a major chapter of change and upheaval in your life, preparing you for the next stage, which is unexpected developments in finances (which can be a positive thing), and a more authentic and resilient self-confidence. Jupiter in Cancer allows you new learning opportunities and more luck in travel and your local life. This is a great time for selling and buying things and investing money into your home. Your social life is also up for transformation as the North Node and the eclipses affect a) your social circle and b) the dreams and long-term goals you’ve had for your life. Work towards your dreams and you’ll see them come to fruition.
This year, focus on the things that don’t work and resolve the issues that you see (this sets you up for a way better life). Also, prepare for having a bit less energy than you’d like: take the time to rest and build on your relationship with divine love, faith, and a higher power, as this becomes much more accessible, nourishing, and foundational for you at this time.
This year is lighting up themes around your reputation. There may be a big wrapping up or ending in your life, especially so in the area of career, work, life’s mission, authority, and the father. This may look like changing workplaces or entering a new phase of work where the old thing ends, though, of course, there are many more ways this can play out. Your social and life and friend circle are up for an intuition-led reevaluation that prepares you for a bigger future and dreams/long-term goals that you always had can now start to be worked towards and realized. The second half of 2025 definitely sees a boost in your financial situation and confidence, too. With Pluto finally being out of your house of intensity and internal transformation, you’ve now entered a time when adventures, luck, optimism, and belief systems bring a twist to life, but the positive energy permeates any changes made at this time. Uranus ending its time in your house of endings may bring more upheavals and final separations with people/situations where you were stuck, hurting, or even abused by others: there’s a new beginning coming for you that’s turning your life upside down in the best way possible.
This year is the beginning of you stepping into your full self and finding a circle of people who love you for who you are. Let your freak flag fly and create the life you’re most proud of. Under these stars, you can!
This year brings major, major changes into your life as truth, trust, and intimacy are transformed by Pluto, the planet of depth and changes. Plus, Neptune and Saturn enter your house of public life, mission, reputation, authority, and career, making it possible and necessary for you to align your soul’s purpose with the work you do in this world, and the way you show up/present yourself to the world at large. They’ll also wrap up their journeys through your house of belief systems and faith, allowing you to commit to a final perspective and realize where you’ve learned enough and have become ready to give your gifts to the world. Jupiter entering your first house is a significant boost (2nd half of the year) that allows you to become who you truly are, increases luck and opportunities, and helps you gain the recognition you deserve. On a more negative side, Uranus enters a part of your chart that deals with loneliness and final endings: this is a time of saying goodbye to what doesn’t serve and to stop fighting change. On the plus side, this very astrological event also boosts your intuition and allows you to fully release all that has kept you stuck and hurting. Learn to be alone with yourself, and you’ll see your life and relationships improve.
This year is an adventure that broadens your horizons. Information is coming in this year, so pay attention to what will be revealed. It’s also time to release doubts you have in yourself and to trust what you know to be true – and to trust in yourself and the universe at large.
This year is one where you’ll experience major endings that, like the contractions pushing a baby from the womb and into the world, lead to a whole new life for you and a blooming you’ll experience predominantly in 2026. But this doesn’t mean that this year will be necessarily bad (though some of you may experience exactly that). Neptune and Saturn are starting a whole new journey in the house of faith, belief systems, learning, and adventure. You’ll be getting more spiritual and open to new, life-giving perspectives that are aided by Jupiter’s journey through Cancer, which boosts your intuition, trust in the world, and access to a higher power and divine love. Meanwhile, Neptune and Saturn are also wrapping up their journey in your house of deep transformation through endings, metaphorical deaths, and truths that are revealed, leading to some big wake-up calls and final severances of relationship. With Pluto in the seventh house, your relational life is going to become more intense, passion-filled, deep, and committed in an “all-or-nothing” way: surface-level relationships won’t cut it, the depth is needed. Uranus will transform your inner circle, social communities, and your dreams and goals for this year. You may be running low on energy and need more time for yourself, especially in the 2nd half of this year.
This is a big year for you that sees much upheaval, even as a positive energy of new birth is coming through. Likely, 2026 will bring more of that positive energy as the wrapping up of the old ends. Remember, this prepares you for a better life: trust and take some time for yourself.
This year’s biggest focus is on your work, career, public role, and daily chores – especially, in how you serve humanity at large. Uranus is ending its journey through your house of beliefs, learning, and adventures and entering a house of serving the community through career and public roles. Pluto and Uranus both create changes at your job level, including changing career paths/workplaces and staying in the same place but finding more fulfillment and passion for what you do. This year, you’ll also crave deep relationships and see significant transformation of/through your partnerships. Your intuition will lead you onto the right paths and to the right people; intimacy is boosted (but in a way that only works for encounters based on the right foundations for you). Jupiter in the 11th in the second half of this year boosts your luck, and your reputation, and aids you in making friends and building on/with your pre-existing community. Dream big and prepare for your future: it’s coming, and it’ll be great.
This year, focus on work and your social life. This is a year to get out there and leave your shell. Build your dreams so they can become a reality.
This year is all about your relationships – with significant people, and the world at large. This is a time to focus on what purpose you have in life and commit to it, especially as the second half of this year provides you a boost in your career and public life (this might also make it easier to deal with difficult bosses, boost your reputation, and make more financial revenue). Your faith and belief system may be subject to unexpected changes as a time of introversion and painful transformation (through endings) ends and a new adventure and change (through beginnings!) starts. With Neptune and Saturn ending their stay in your house of health, you may have a final flare-up of pre-existing issues on your job or in your health, but they’ll lead to a final resolution. Now, you will experience soul-led changes in your love and social life: through meeting new people (as friends or lovers) that’ll stay for a long time, or through clearing out toxic people who aren’t meant for you. With Pluto in your house of love, surface-level fun in dating isn’t enough anymore: your heart won’t settle for anything but the real deal, so act accordingly. Your creative life might be up for a transformation as well.
This year is a new start even as the last ties to the past are broken and flushed out. Focus on how you can serve others and which relationships nourish you: then, invest in those people.
This year brings massive changes in your social life and love life as Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus wrap up their stays in your relationship houses, transform your relationships through their final pass, and are aided by the South Node’s journey through your house of friendships. You may experience significant relationship endings, especially with people you’ve met since 2011/2018, but have been deceived by. Not everyone will lose partnership though, as the relationships based on truth and true-soul alignment will stay. Pluto will also start to transform your home and family life, leading to significant changes at a foundational level. Uranus will reveal truths that have thus far been hidden, boost your intuition further, and lead you through a path of transformation. This year may also be a time of saying goodbye to a dream you’ve held and wished to pursue. So, this year is a giant goodbye in many ways. However, the good news is that this year puts you in touch with what’s really there in life, allowing you to build a new life and foundation that’s so resilient as to be indestructible. Luck and optimism are coming through in the second half of this year, and it prepares you for a life of true joy and soul-deep pleasure.
This year, take care of your health and heart. Don’t fight to keep those who wish to leave, but open your heart to and follow your intuition with the people who stay… and are coming in. Trust that luck is on your side, even if it looks like it isn’t. Have faith: this will be a new beginning for a better future.
This year for you is all about revealing true priorities: firstly, by life- and perspective-changing mindset shifts and new information coming in. Secondly, your home, private life, and family are seeing massive changes and transformation, including but not limited to children- (and fertility-)related mayhem. Uranus finishes up its change- and surprise-bringing journey through Taurus, and instead starts to enter your house of relationships: this means that you’ll be more likely to meet life-changing new partners in business and romance and find your entire social life turned upside-down. You may also feel that space is made for the right people to come in at this time. The second half of this year is dedicated to final endings and the pursuit (and finding) of deep truths and hidden secrets. Your career might be especially unpredictable this year, but it’ll all work out by Fall 2025 at the latest.
This year, the focus for you is on listening to unlikely information, as it’ll be revealed to be the truth. This is also the time to commit to love and/or a huge creative project that you’ll see through… and will eventually become a huge success.
This year is impacting your home and foundations the most: It’s time to think of if you want a family, which people you’d like to build with, and where you’d like to live (slash: if you have a home you’re happy in, to invest time and energy to make it a true place of comfort). Big changes at work might happen in the second half of this year as unexpected events and demands can cut into your time. Similarly, surprises around health may pop up, too. In your love life, you might experience a higher desire for freedom that can help you adjust a partnership to serve your own needs; or it might clear out a partnership so something better can come along. With Jupiter entering your 7th house, the second half of this year might bring you great opportunities to meet romantic partners, business partners, future best friends, or other very influential, positive people who might open doors for you. Your finances and value systems are up for a big transformation as well, which is an ongoing process.
This year, there is a heightened potential for unexpected pregnancies (if applicable), and a huge focus on family and building/maintaining life-long partnerships. Please take extra care of your health and get preventative check-ups done.
This year will highlight your personal and private life: from the ways you grow and transform as you settle into your own skin and see your lifepath transform (and maybe even make life-alerting choices), to huge changes in your finances and your home life. Your value systems are up for an overhaul, and you might be seeing your eyes open to a reality that has been there but was hidden from you. For instance, this might look like finding a whole new perspective on life by changing your mindset or stumbling over a piece of whole new information you’d never known before. Learning is highlighted. Another one of the biggest themes of this year though is your creativity: you might see boosts in creative energy and have a massive influx of intuitive ideas. You might also be physically more fertile (if applicable) and see unexpected events and changes with (your) children (if applicable). Your love life is experiencing a significant boost as unexpected people or energies pop in, and space is made for a true love to enter your life. At work, you might experience a lot more productivity and revenue coming in June onwards. Lastly, this year will see boosts (and revelations) in your health and well-being.
This is a year for prioritizing health, fun, love, and self-fulfillment. Despite being more extroverted in a lot of ways, this year’s focus is also more on you as you navigate life, than it is on you stepping into roles within your community. So, don’t be scared to be introverted at times, and don’t be discouraged if you don’t have much publicity.
This year prioritizes clearing (and of course, revealing) what hasn’t been working in your life. Neptune and Saturn are starting to work together on transforming your self-esteem, monetizable skills, and financial situations while also reminding you where you need to focus on your own personal growth beyond finances and social approval. This year, you’ll see big changes happening in life – especially, at the root and the foundations you’ve built your life on. This year might clear out relationships that haven’t served you (but don’t worry: Jupiter in the second half of the year brings in or at the very least prepares you for love entering your life – a beautiful, soul-led, nourishing love at that). Creative energy and self-expression are running rampant for you and you may see changes in your physical home and family.
This is a time to prioritize getting your finances in order, come what may (also, please avoid overspending on anything). This is also a time of heightened fertility and a bigger potential for unexpected new family members (if applicable). Invest in a home you’re happy in and see your life change.
Thank you so much for reading this guide. As you can see, 2025 will be a big year! I hope to see you in a chart reading whenever you need further support and that you stick around enough to see all the fun articles still coming on my website. It’s been an honor and a pleasure to write this for you! If you liked this, please spread the word by sending this link to a friend (it’s to the much shorter online version of this guide: they can then decide if they’d like to subscribe). Also, please consider donating to support my work in creating free resources to help people through these tough times.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
See you hopefully son,
About the Author:
Hi! My name is Alexandra and I’m the astrologer and voice behind I also teach astrology at multiple levels in Virginia Rosenberg’s school, Sky Scholar, and am a regular in her Astrology Referral Network. My certifications include Mystic Astrologer II, run by Andrea Dupuis (now Andrea Wallins) and; and Level III of Sky Scholar under Virginia Rosenberg (my research project for Sky Scholar III was on individual differences in intuitive access points and intuitive gifts as seen in the natal chart). I’ve also regularly been featured on the Divine Rising Summit.
My website has currently more than 70 articles on all kinds of astrology, including current events, analyses, astrological advice on mental health, and birth chart placements. If you’d like to work with me, you can book a reading or send me a message if you’re interested in astrological 1-on-1 tutoring.
As I’m originally German, I offer astrology sessions in both German and English, even though I mostly write and educate in the English language.
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Article compilation for 2025 (This article will be periodically updated with new publications).